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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    His one arm was missing, ripped right off it seemed. His legs where cut and bruised with big flesh-wounds all over, It was apparent he had been raped to some extent according to the scratches around his groin and the teeth-marks on the genitals. There was also what they believed to be semen in the victim’s mouth. Though it was obvious this was just a dumping site as there was no blood in the alley but only dried on the body.

    They had been there for two hours now and the coroner came to bring the body to autopsy. It was not the first of this kind of murder but they never seemed to get solved. Suddenly these cases where just removed from all files but nobody ever knew of any arrests or nothing. Or so they claimed.

    "What do you think of it Ashley?" Aiden turned a slightly pale face to his brown-haired partner.

    "I think I want to find the bastard who did this and rip his intestines out and feed him with them, see how he likes it." Ashley said with a disgusted look. She was extremely cranky for being pulled out right when she was supposed to go home and get some sleep. After a shift of 15 hours already anyone would be cranky at this hour.

    But this murder seemed to fit the descriptions of others found as of late so the chief wanted them on the case. It was the same brutal slaughter as the earlier times and always an unharmed face. It was now two women and two men. All young, beautiful and with some kind of mark in their faces. This man had a small birthmark under his right eye.

    "Yuck. That’s gross Ashley. Should we question the girls who found him?" Aiden pointed towards two girls who where sitting by police cars with a blanket over their shoulders.

    "Yeah lets do that. Damn I really wanted to get some serious sleep tonight but oh no, I have to work because a killer never rests. So let’s get to the girls so I can have a smoke." They walked out of the marked out area and Ashley pulled out a cigarette.

    "Keep on smoking that and you’ll get hit by a truck oneday. I swear! " Ashley gave him an annoyed look.


    1. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

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