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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    "Like I never heard that one before. But they’re too good to give up. You give me something else to wind down of and I’ll gladly quit." Aiden snorted slightly not quite believing her words.

    They reached the girls who sat and shivered while a doctor spoke to them and gave them a number for a psychologist to talk to if they needed it. When the doctor saw them he left to let them talk.

    "Hello ladies I’m detective Davies and this is detective Dennison. Do you think we could ask you some questions." The girls nodded and turned their attention to the attractive brunette in front of them.

    "How did you come to find this man at this hour?"

    "Well, we were on our way home from the club down the block and we thought we’d take a shortcut through this alley. That saves 10 minutes walking time. And well I tripped over something. We took my mobile phone to light up so we could see what it was I tripped over. And there he was." The girl explained while her friend sniffled.

    "So you didn’t see anything strange around here, no people in the alley or people leaving the alley?"

    "No but I did see that guy early tonight, he was at the same club as us. We got there to eat dinner early before we met our friends to party all night. He was hard to miss when it was still so relaxed with people." Ashley and Aiden immediately perked up at hearing this.

    "You saw him? Are you really sure it was the same guy? Was he alone or did he have company?" Now Ashley was much more awake, this might help them more than anything in the other cases.

    "Yeah it was him all right, that birthmark is just the same. He was with this guy who scowled a whole lot. I was dancing near them and tripped so I bumped in to them. He asked me if I was all right and helped me stand again, but the scowling guy pulled him away from me and looked annoyed. Then I didn’t see them anymore. I guess the reason I really noticed them was that I found them both to be very attractive."


    1. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

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