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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    "Okay. What’s the clubs name? Is it the one down the block there?" Aiden took notes the whole time. The girls gave a description of the man the dead guy was with. A tall guy with Reddish brown hair, clear blue eyes and very muscular with a pointy chin.

    They took the girls info so they could contact them again. Now they had a person to search for who might be a potential killer or key witness. They made shore the girls got a ride home and then they left to go to the club in question.

    "There it is, The Demon’s Den. What’s up with that name? They said it was a very popular club that’s supposed to be packed every weekend and sometimes during weekdays." They parked and got out of the car.

    "Yeah, well that name is one you don’t forget so easily. Looks like they’re about closing. The bouncers aren’t by the door. Let’s do this." Ashley said and pushed the doors open. Inside there was only about 50 people left and many where about to dress up and leave. They saw a bouncer push a very drunk guy out of the club.

    "Well, where to start? I’ll go to the bar and begin there." Ashley stalked away from Aiden, who stayed put only to be startled by a male voice behind him.

    "Excuse me sir can I help you? You are a little late we’re closing you know." He smiled gently at him.

    "Yeah I know. I’m detective Dennison from the 27th precinct, I’m investigating a murder. Would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions?" The man got a strange look on his face but it was gone before the dark-haired man could tell what it was.

    "No not at all. Shall we perhaps sit down? By the way my name is Glen."

    Ashley was currently standing in front of the bar waiting for the blonde bartender to notice her, which didn’t seem to happen anytime soon. She had been drying the same glass for about two minutes now. The brunette lightly cleared her throat and the bartender looked up and Ashley was met by the most beautiful eyes had ever seen.

    Catching herself staring, the brunette collected herself, she had an interview to do.

    "Hi sorry for disturbing you in your work at this early hour. I’m Ashley Davies from the 27th precinct. Would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions?"


    1. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

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