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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 3)

    "Yes I do realise that. But would you try to think if you saw him with a man who apparently kept close very close to him. " Ashley tried to read her expression but couldn’t see whether the blonde was telling the truth or not. But she seemed trustworthy enough.

    "I’m very sorry detective, I wish I could be of more help. But we don’t really pay great attention to people if they don’t behave in a disturbing manner." Spencer did her best to sound convincing so this interrogation would end.

    "Well at least you tried right? And by the way, call me Ashley." She said putting away the Polaroid with the infamous Davies smile while looking into Spencer’s eyes. Spencer flushed a little at the look.

    God those eyes are so expressive I feel like I could melt from the look in those eyes, oh I can just feel the blush on my face. No stop zoning out. She seems nice enough but I need to watch what I say in this matter. Wait, what did she say?’

    "Huh, oh okay. Ashley it is then. But then please call me Spencer." She gave a slight smile at Ashley who looked pleased by her answer. Around them all people had left and the bouncer locked up and left through the so-called VIP door.

    "I’ll do that Spencer. How long have you been working at this place anyway?" Ashley asked with allot of interest in her voice. Spencer yet again looked up from her work while taking note of the subject changing to more personal areas.

    "About eight or nine months now I think it is." She saw behind Ashley how Glen had finished talking to the detective and he was currently talking to the bouncer.

    "Always been a bartender?" Ashley followed Spencer’s movements while she placed the now dry glasses on their proper places only to bring forth more glasses to dry off.

    "No not really. I actually wanted to become a police once but due to certain circumstances I never got around to finishing my studies." Spencer got a sad look on her face when she seemed to drift off somewhere. Off some reason Ashley didn’t like seeing Spencer with that look. So she asked the question that had been burning in her since she first laid eyes on the blonde.


    1. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

    2. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

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