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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 3)

    "So are you seeing anyone at the moment?" Spencer did a double take at Ashley and flushed bright red, which showed clearly on her very pale complexion.

    Did she just ask..?‘ but before she could answer a deep voice dripping of authority interrupted them.

    "I really don’t see how that is any of your business detective." Spencer winced a little at the voice, a voice belonging to her boss.

    "Good morning. My name is Berkley Rose, I’m the owner of this establishment. Is there a good reason for you to disturbing my two single bar workers in the middle of clean up?" He glared at Ashley not liking at all the way she had been leering at his employee and asking such personal questions.

    Ashley didn’t like the superior tone this man had. He was one of those people who thought he was better than everyone else was.

    "Yes actually, We’re investigating the murder of a man who was seen here earlier tonight and I was currently questioning Spencer here about him." Rose knew very well what had been going on, he had been going to come in when he heard a man questioning Spencer. He had stayed put in the door to the bar until the questions took a turn at which he didn’t approve of at all.

    "Well that’s not what I heard. So since you had stopped asking questions about the case can I take it you where done then?"

    "Yes. I don’t supposed you’d know anything about it?"

    "No. I haven’t been down here all night. I have been upstairs in my apartment working on paperwork for this place. So if there weren’t anything else I would appreciate it if you both took your leave and let my employees do their work. Good night detective." Aiden was currently standing by Ashley’s side thinking about the same things as Ashley. They thought he was a conceited bastard.

    "Yes I think we have all we need for now. We do need to speak to the rest of the staff who has worked tonight. We’ll be in touch." Ashley stood away from the bar and looked briefly at Spencer.

    "Oh, I’ll let you guys out and lock after you." Spencer snapped to attention and lead them to the door. Ashley smiled at her and the two detectives followed her.


    1. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

    2. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

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