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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 3)

    "Jeez Berks, Are we cranky this morning? Why are you down here anyway, why haven’t you gone to bed yet? You haven’t been up waiting for little old me now have you?" Glen gave Rose a suggestive look. He raised an eyebrow at the the blonde-haired man.

    "While I do enjoy your company from time to time, That was not the reason at all." Glen looked at him with mocked hurt.

    "Well maybe you would like to spend all the day hours with me then?" He threw his arms around his neck. And gave him a sexy smile. He gripped his shoulders to push him away gently.

    "Not today Glennie. I really don’t feel like it." He told him gently. Now the blonde-haired man crossed him arms and pouted.

    "If I where Spencer and asked that question I swear you would have jumped my bones right here." They where interrupted by the sound of Spencer walking in to a barstool out of chock for hearing such a blunt comment. Her face a fierce red of embarrassment. Rose merely smirked at her flushed look.

    "Eh. Sir I really need to go home now its getting late and I want to get home before the sun gets up to high." She pointed to the uncovered windows of the doors to prove her point.

    By now it was past six thirty and the first sunrays had begun to walk upon the ground. But this neighbourhood was packed with old and high buildings that didn’t let the sun show properly until it stood high enough. All in all a very shadowed part of the city, which was why people found it hard to believe there was a decent place to go to in order to have fun or eat a nice dinner.

    "Why, yes I guess you do, though if it you need it I would love for you to share my bed. Anytime." He had been leaning towards Spencer and the last word he whispered seductively in her ear. But Spencer pulled away quickly, slightly disturbed by Rose’s unmasked try at seduction.

    "Well then I’ll see you later tonight. Bye." Spencer walked to the door and left.

    "When are you going to give up on her. Don’t you realise that she doesn’t want you? No matter how much you spoil her and letting her do as she feels most of the time, her heart wont change." Rose looked grim at that.


    1. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

    2. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

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