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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 3)

    "Well who needs her heart. I want that body. I want to feel her, to own her. I want her to give herself to me willingly. And I will find a way to make her mine. I swear it." Glen didn’t like it when he spoke like that. But what could he do. He was his master after all, and he desired him too much to get into a serious argument with him. He wasn’t angry with Spencer for the attention she got from Rose, just a little jealous. He wanted Rose to desire him as much as he desired Spencer. But he knew he would always welcome him to his bed and that was enough for him.

    He knew he took all of his underlings to bed from time to time but that he was his favourite. Much because he went willingly with the intention to give as much as he received in the ways of pleasure.

    Spencer however was different, she refused all the attention from their master and had never shared bed with Rose. Rose even allowed her to live separate from the others. All other of Rose’s underlings lived in this very house on the upper floors in their own apartments. Rose lived in the penthouse. The penthouse was big with five rooms and a big kitchen, which was not used other than the refrigerator.

    Spencer had even gotten Rose’s word that he wouldn’t try to find out where Spencer lived. She really wanted her privacy from her workplace. She didn’t even play in the cellars freely, she wasn’t into that kind of thing. She only went down there if Rose gave her the direct order. Glen really couldn’t understand that. To him it was like instinct to play once in a while.

    He suspected that was the root of Rose’s patience with her. He desired the innocence which was Spencer, but didn’t want to take her by force. He wanted Spencer to be his, just like Glen was his by choice. For he felt he got more pleasure from someone who wanted him to feel good and not someone who made it out of obligation.

    "Well Glennie. Let’s both go home and get some sleep." Glen looked at him and then to the bar and tables that was not finished yet.


    1. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

    2. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

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