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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 3)

    "Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure Madison and the others clean up before opening today. They just have to start earlier that’s all."

    "Ooh Madison’s not going to like that. I’m glad I don’t work the same shift as her tomorrow then. She’ll surely whine like a little bitch all evening." Rose only nodded and started for the VIP door while Glen walked to the front doors, covering the windows with black curtains. They both went upstairs to their apartments to sleep through the day.

    Spencer left her workplace in haste. Glad to be out of there. She truly hated it when Rose came on to her like that. She felt so uncomfortable but at the same time she was glad that he never did anything to her if she said no.

    He’s never going to give up is he? Why can’t he get that I do not want him? I wish I could leave this place go somewhere where they could not find me. But He’ll always find me so what’s the use? I’m lucky he respects my wishes to live in private in my apartment and not ask where it is located.’

    Shee walked down the streets with her coat on and the hood up, keeping close to buildings to stay in the shadows. About a half an hour later she walked up the stairs of an old apartment building. At some places on the stairs was the occasional homeless person sleeping. This neighbourhood really wasn’t nice at all. But she had to live relatively close to the club, that was Rose’s top condition for his apartment.

    She came up to her floor and went inside. She threw her keys on the little table standing by the door. And then a sleepy voice drifted to her.

    "Spencer? Why are you home so late, the sun’s kinda high already." Kyla emerged from her room looking to have awakened of the sound of Spencer coming in.

    "Good morning Ky. Yeah work dragged out today, and the guests where obviously not in a hurry to leave today and then there was some, disturbance when I was cleaning up in the bar."

    "What? Did that bastard boss off yours try to get you to bed again? You probably have to beat it in to his scull that you don’t want him." Spencer glared at her. But flushed all the same.

    "Ky don’t talk like that. And you know very well that I could never do that to him. The punishment would be severe. Even for me. Would you really I risk that? Then I would probably loose all my freedom. " Spencer looked down at the floor as in shame. And she was ashamed. She hated this living.

    To have to ask about everything like an obedient child, she hated how she played of her so-called master’s feelings and got away with so much. She was well aware of the fact that Rose spoiled her in the hopes that she would give herself to him freely. Rose wanted her to be a permanent resident in his penthouse.

    "I could do it for you." Kyla smiled a goofy smile, it was meant like a joke but Spencer did not appreciate it at all.

    "KYLA! Don’t say stuff like that. You know well enough that you aren’t allowed anywhere near that club or the people there. If he knew about you I don’t know what he’d do to you. I could never live with that." She looked distressed now. She was truly exhausted and Kyla gave her a hug.

    "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please why don’t you go to bed. I have already covered all the windows so you just sleep. I’ll go to sleep a little longer to." Spencer held her a little longer and then both residents went to bed.

    Outside the covered windows the sun had peeked high enough to light up the streets, so the day was here and with it came some peace for the citizens of the city. At least until the sunset came yet again.


    1. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

    2. i’m likin this story. its cool because its different and has me wantin to know more for the simple fact that i always try to find my way around things. i’ve kinda been waitin for a story like this. thanx. pms

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