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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

    She rinsed her hair, and then from nowhere the image of a certain brunette detective flashed before her eyes.

    "Hmm, I wonder if Ashley would make a good mother figure..? Wait where did that come from? I.. I cant.. No way…..ah, cold water NOW…" Spencer’s thoughts where turning somewhere she did not feel like following. She turned the handle to cold and washed away her thoughts and stepped out of the shower to dry of and get dressed.

    When Spencer got into the kitchen Kyla was sitting at the table with her homework. She didn’t want to do it but she knew it made Spencer happy. She just wished they could spend some more time together. When Spencer wasn’t working she was sleeping. When she did have a day off they tried to spend it together after Kyla got home from school.

    Kyla raised her head when she heard footsteps coming for the kitchen. She smiled at Spencer and pointed to the counter behind her.

    "I have brought everything out so it would be faster done for you." Spencer nodded and went to inspect the groceries and she turned on the oven. Kyla wanted oven-fried potatoes with fried beef. And since Spencer didn’t qualify that as a healthy meal at all she added a salad and cooked broccoli and carrots. When she told Kyla this she made a face but made no protest.

    "Hey Ky, why don’t you get a plate and set the table for youself?" Kyla stood and rolled over to the cupboards. That’s when Spencer noticed the rollerblades Kyla wore.

    "Kyla, why are you wearing those inside? They’re meant to be used outside. Go take them off before you fall and break something, be that an object or one of your legs." Kyla rolled to the table with a glass and a plate she took from the cupboards.

    "Jeez, relax Spencer. They’re still new I have to break them in and besides I’m not going to fall." She grinned where she stood by the window at the table. To demonstrate her point she started to jump from one leg to another in a way to prove how good she was at keeping her balance.

    Spencer looked disapprovingly at her but didn’t have time to say anything before Kyla actually did loose her balance and fell backwards, in the fall she grabbed for the first thing that came to mind which happened to be the thick black curtain to the window.


    1. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    2. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

    3. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    4. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

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