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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

    Fortunately for Kyla it helped break her fall and she landed flat on her butt, unfortunately for Spencer the hanger that held the curtain up wasn’t meant to hold on that kind of weight and the whole thing fell down. When it fell Spencer’s eyes went wide and she reacted as fast as she could but unfortunately that was nowhere near fast enough. The late afternoon sunlight shined inside and hit Spencer head on.

    "AAGH, SHIT….it burns!" Spencer screamed and jumped for the door and in to the shadow. She fell to the floor clutching her arm that now had a big burn over it. She had turned her head so her hair covered the skin there and her tanktop had saved her abdomen. But she was hit in the side when jumping out of the way.

    Kyla looked terrified and hurried to Spencer’s side. She saw the burns on her arm and went to get a cloth and some really cold water in a bowl.

    Spencer was shaking badly from the pain. But knew that she was lucky that it was this late in the day and the sun wasn’t that strong so the wounds would be fast to heal but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Kyla was cooling off the arm and looked quite ashamed and a little teary eyed. She had kicked of the rollerblades that where now lying on the floor.

    "Kyla, You need to think of what you’re doing. Had it been earlier when the sun stood at it’s highest this could have ended really bad. Agh." She winced as pain shot through her arm again.

    "I’m so very sorry Spencer. I guess I really didn’t think. I’ll just go hang the curtain back alright?" Kyla stood and gave Spencer the cloth and Spencer sat up continuing to cool of her skin. She watched the youth stand on the table to get high enough to hang the curtain back.

    "It’s alright Kyla. But as I said you need to be careful. Something as simple as that mistake could easily kill me you know." Kyla had gotten the curtain up and hopped of the table walking to her guardian. She gave Spencer a hug. Spencer knew she was truly sorry and embraced the teen.


    1. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    2. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

    3. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    4. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

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