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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

    "So should I finish dinner now? I’ll just wrap this cloth over my arm for a while. It will heal in a few days. So continue your homework now." Kyla saw that Spencer was still in pain but knew not to push it.

    Spencer was careful with her arm when she finished dinner for Kyla. She served Kyla and sat opposite of her at the table. When Kyla was finished she looked at Spencer.

    "Spencer when will you have a day off again? You look like you could really need one. Have you even gotten time to eat in the last few days?" Kyla said sounding very concerned.

    Spencer rose and got the dishes from the table to clean them. She sighed. Kyla was a very perceptive girl when she wanted to be. Spencer hadn’t eaten in the last two days, with her working hours she had been too busy to make time to feed. A part of her figured that was what Rose wanted. If she was exhausted maybe she would be open to Rose’s invitations. But Spencer was determined to never let Rose close.

    "It’s alright Ky. Don’t worry about me I’m fine. I have been too busy to be able to feed in a few days. But don’t worry I’ll try to get to it before work tonight." She saw the worry in Kyla’s eyes and frowned.

    "Please don’t worry Kyla. You know I would never go for you even if I got desperate. You do believe me don’t you? I know you must be worried but I could never feed from you, Don’t be afraid of me Ky." Spencer looked pleadingly at Kyla. Kyla looked shocked at her words and flung herself at her. Hugging she hard, desperate to show her that she did not fear her.

    "No, No Spencer. That’s not it. I could never be afraid of you. You saved me from such a fate from the start and I know you would never endanger my safety knowingly. I’m just concerned for your health. Please I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I was afraid of you." Spencer smiled at that.

    "Thank you Kyla, it means allot to hear you say that. And I will probably have a day off after this weekend, when the days of the full moon are over." She sighed and turned back to dry the now finished dishes when the phone rang in the living room.


    1. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    2. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

    3. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    4. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

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