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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

    Rose laid the boy down on the floor next to the couch and grabbed a napkin to wipe away the trails of blood he had from the corners of his mouth. He tossed the napkin to cover the boys face and then turned to his guests.

    "Sorry about that. I was late with dinner this evening, this was a hard catch to get a hold of. Just getting he to trust me enough to come up here with me took me two hours. So how are you my Spencer? Any problems in getting here safely?" His eyes roamed all over Spencer taking in every detail of the body he so desired. Her work outfit suited her so well, it was difficult to watch her in it though, she looked so delicious that Rose wanted nothing else than take her to bed and take her in every way possible.

    Spencer flushed under the others scrutiny and his use of the word ‘MY’ Spencer, and the lust-filled look didn’t help any.

    Possessive much?’ Glen thought and had to supress a giggle.

    "Yes sir, everything went fine. Thank you for asking."

    "Well then take a seat I’ll just arrange for someone to deal with the leftovers." Spencer fought a wince at those words and looked at the young boy. She knew they had to feed to survive but to treat a human like an object was not something she was willing to do. As she saw it they had all been humans once.

    Spencer always shed tears for the ones she fed of. She felt it was the least she could do to show a little remorse. But she was well aware of the fact that the world was not all flowers and smiles. They where predators of the worst kind. The kind that looked about the same as you or me. Not much unusual about them that would tell you what they where if you didn’t know what to look for, and even then it was easy to make mistakes.

    All of Rose’s underlings had great looks, as a matter of fact Rose had originally hand picked them all due to their good looks. He knew that if they looked great as humans they would be extraordinarily beautiful when changed. Due to the change your eyes got a more vibrant colour, your skin got a beautifully pale cream colour and your hair got a shine to it that would take a normal person hours of work and tons of hair styling products to achieve.


    1. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    2. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

    3. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    4. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

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