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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

    "Yes Master, but we will deal with this idiot right? Why don’t we alert the werewolf council about this crazy bastard? They are all regulars here anyway so they would obviously help Right?" Rose nodded. Then there was a knock on the door, when Rose called out they entered. One immediately picked the body up and the other stood before Rose with his bowed awaiting orders.

    "Yes I’ll do that. Well I guess there’s nothing more we can do about this now. So would you two like for something to eat? I have a couple of nice specimens in my bedroom. They are a little doped up so you won’t be able to play with them of course, but they have very nice blood types. And are quite tasty, I’ve only had a nip at each. I’ll join you, though I just ate I wouldn’t mind having seconds."

    Glen slowly shook his head.

    "I’m sorry but I have to turn this one down. I have a beautiful specimen of my own strapped up in the cellars, so I’ll save my appetite for him. He will probably give me a good time." Rose just gave a nod and turned to Spencer, Being her master he could feel her hunger.

    "And what about you Spencer? Would you like to eat? I can sense you haven’t eaten recently. You really need to eat or you’ll loose your strength." He nodded for the girl to go fetch two of the so-called specimens in his bedroom.

    It was two girls in there mid twenties who both had very glazed eyes due to the drugs in their system, no major drugs of course only a slightly tranquillising drug that didn’t affect the quality of their blood. They had small bite-wounds in their necks from Rose. Spencer had missed her opportunity to hunt due to this meeting and she was starving by now, she could not say no.

    "Yes please, I would appreciate a meal very much. Thank you sir." Rose gave her a satisfied smile and motioned for her to pick her meal.

    "So do you want to eat here or might I hope for you to come play in the cellars for once?"

    "I’ll just eat here sir if you don’t mind." She looked pleadingly at Rose. She hated the cellars, There were nothing but pure torture chambers that looked like something taken from a medieval movie. But Rose only nodded, then Glen stood from his seat.

    "Well I guess I’ll be taking my leave then. See you in the bar later Spencer." He gave rose a quick kiss and left. Spencer walked up and took one of the girls by her arm and led her to the couch, the blonde looked at her like she was in a trance. She talked soothingly to her while settling her head at her neck. Rose had already plunged his teeth into the other girl’s neck.

    The last ting Spencer said to the girl was a quiet whispered:

    "I’m sorry" and then her teeth elongated and she bit into her neck and she gasped as if out of breath, and she inhaled for what would be her very last breath. Spencer fed of her until she was almost completely drained then she removed her mouth from the girl’s neck and with a quick twist of her hand she snapped her neck. That was the kind thing to do so she didn’t suffer for to long.

    She then shed a couple of tears for the girl in her arms and bent down to kiss her forehead, then she whispered a last quiet sorry low enough for only her to hear.


    1. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    2. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

    3. i like this story. its so interesting. i like how you keep some of spencer’s characteristics even though she is a completely different person. she’s a vampire she has to kill people to live yet she still feels bad about it. i like that. pms

    4. mmm tasty. i love spencer and her torment, so sad but something she needs to deal with. i like this dark spencer, she’s a character we rarely see but she kicks ass. exxxxcellent!

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