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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    There they were staring each other down, the tan-skinned kid with dark brown hair Vs. the tan-skinned brunette.

    The kid gave the cop a death-glare and stood on still shaky legs. Say what you want, but that idiot had one hell of a punch. When the kid regained her balance she immediately started to yell angrily at the cop.

    “What the hell did you think you were doing huh?” Ashley could only stare at the kid. That was not the response she had been expecting. Well, she really didn’t know what she had been expecting to be honest. But that response really ticked Ashley off.

    “Hey what’s with the attitude? I just saved your ass, you should be grateful.” The kid snorted.

    “Yeah right, like ‘thank you kind officer, you really saved my ass back there and I want you to know that I’m real grateful to you for LETTING THOSE GUYS RUN OFF WITH MY MONEY.’ The kid yelled and finished by a mumbled “Grateful my ass.” Ashley snapped at this, she really didn’t want to deal with this right now. But at the same time she knew she had to bring this kid home. She was a minor and had just been beaten by street rats, it was her duty as a cop to deliver her to her parents.

    “You would have been beaten senseless if I had left you with those guys and you know it brat.” The kid only crossed her arms over her chest and put her nose in the air and said confidently.

    “I had that whole situation under control, I didn’t need the help of some lameassed cop.” The kid stuck her tongue out at Ashley who was clenching her teeth.

    “I’ve had enough of your attitude, now what’s your name?” no answer.

    “Okay lets do it again, What’s your name kid?” Silence the kid was avoiding her gaze completely now and her eyes seemed to dart around her.

    Hmm, she’s trying to find the quickest way out of here, what’s this about all of a sudden?”

    As a pure precaution, Ashley grabbed the kids wrist in a firm yet non-painful way.

    “You are not getting away from here kid. Now follow me to my car and on the way there you will tell me your name, your parents names and where you live.” The kid looked panicked all of a sudden and started to pull against her grip.

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    1. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

    2. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

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