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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 7)

    Ashley drove about two blocks away from the club, No one said one word. Spencer was visibly fuming and Kyla was fiddling in the backseat. She looked like she wanted to sink down into the seat and disappear. Spencer watched Spencer out of the corner of her eyes, Spencer was looking angry as hell and at the same time extremely worried.

    However Spencer’s pissed look was kinda spoiled by the fact that she bit her lower lip in a worried motion. But Spencer noticed Ashley’s eyes on her and she straightened and looked out her window.

    Shit, how can she do this to me? It’s way past her curfew and yet here she is outside close to midnight. Why does she do this to me? What if Ashley starts asking questions what if she alerts social services of my night job? Shit what if I loose her?’ Spencer was thinking too much again and didn’t even notice the car stopping.

    “Is this far enough?” Ashley broke the silence. Spencer nodded and began getting out of the car, Kyla Decided to speak at that moment.

    “Spencer look this isn’t…” Spencer turned to glare at her.

    “Not one more word.” She stood out of the car and Ashley did the same at her side. Spencer opened Kyla’s door and motioned for her to step outside.

    “Get out of that car right now, KYLA!.” Kyla was finding the ground very interesting at the moment it seemed, for that was the only place her eyes travelled at the moment. But she didn’t wait long until her mouth opened again.

    “Please just listen, I wasn’t…”

    “No! I don’t want any excuses, I only want answers to my questions. First of all what are you doing outside at this hour? Not to mention this close to the club? You know what kinds of people are hanging around here. Do you have a death wish or something? I thought we had the rules set for this, does this happen allot? Do you always disrespect the rules we have?”

    The anger pored out of Spencer and Ashley could have sworn she saw steam coming out of her ears. She knew there was no way for the kid to be able to get a word in with Spencer’s blabbering but she was wise enough to stay quiet. Besides the two had obviously forgot she was still around.

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    1. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    2. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

    3. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    4. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

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