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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 8)

    The week went by rather fast for Spencer and soon it was Thursday night. Only one night of work left and she’d get to spend some quality time with Kyla. Well, for a few days at least. Kyla came home the other day with a message from her teacher.


    The door was pushed open and slammed shut by a still angry teenager. It was Tuesday and Kyla still actively showed how very angry she was. Every day after school she was in a foul mood and would not leave her room. When Spencer made her dinner she slowly made her way to the kitchen and sat at the table. She was aware that she was in the wrong and that her angry attitude hurt Spencer’s feelings.

    She hadn’t said anything to Spencer since that night and felt really bad but didn’t know how to apologise. Today though she knew she had to speak to Spencer about school and how she had forgot to tell Spencer about it last week. Today she had gotten a reminder from her teacher about it.

    “Um, Spence? I need to talk to you. It’s about school.” She looked up at Spencer who nodded for her to continue.

    “Well, I was supposed to tell you this last week but I kinda… forgot.” Spencer didn’t say anything only nodded with a serious look in her eyes.

    “Well last week we where told about our class’ school trip. They finally set a date on it and we are supposed to leave on Wednesday next week.” Spencer listened and thought about it. Yeah, she remembered the trip the class had been planning all semester. They where supposed to go skiing for about ten days but there had been problems with departure date among the six parents who were going along.

    “So all parents where finally able to settle for a date then? About time to! I thought they where going to wait until you where in senior year of high school with the rate they where going. So all I need to do now is agree for you to go? You think I should?” Spencer looked at Kyla with a slightly sad look in her eyes.

    “I mean you are under house arrest after all. Your behaviour these last few days have hardly shown any sign of regret and that in my eyes should not be rewarded. Your treatment has hurt me I hope you realise that. I wouldn’t want to let you think I’m not serious ab…” Spencer suddenly became quiet when a pair of arms encircled her waist and she looked down to see a sobbing Kyla holding her. She took hold of Kyla’s shoulders and moved them to sit on the couch in the living room.

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    1. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    2. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

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