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    The Force – (Chapter: Trust me)

    Ashley walked to her TransAm quickly, not wanting to miss the Hummer. As she drew closer to her car, she saw it idling in the parking lot. The SUV was completely tricked out. A neon green light glowed from underneath the truck and illuminated the twenty four inch chrome rims. The back door swung open and one of the large men from earlier hopped out.






    “I need any weapons you have on you right now. Let’s go.” Ashley pulled her 9mm out of the back of her pants and reached down pulling to daggers from both of her ankles. The burly man didn’t move and kept staring at her.







    “What the fuck do you want? You want to freaking frisk me?” She asked impatiently throwing up her hands. The heavily built thug threw her up against the transam, running his beefy hands over her body. Ashley felt him pinch her ass during the search and she leaned forward kicking her back leg out and catching him squarely on the chin.








    “Keep your fuckin hands to yourself jackass,” another door opened on the Hummer and Spin stepped out, she’d replaced the sunglasses on her face and her expression was masked.







    “Is there a problem?” She asked staring down on the man on the ground.







    “He got a little too close, you got a problem?” Ashley asked back putting her hands on her hips. “I gave him what he wanted, and he took something I wasn’t offering. So there ya go. Him. On the ground.”








    Spin slid her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose, revealing her ice blue eyes and smiled slightly. Ashley pulled her keys out of her pocket and jingled them.








    “Let’s go,” Spin said to the driver and climbed back into the car pushing her sunglasses back in place. Ashley didn’t know why she had them on; night had overcome the day a couple hours ago. She slid into the driver’s seat and fired the TransAm up. It roared to life beneath the hood and rumbled as she sat next to the Hummer.

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