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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: Due to lack of interest, tomorrow has been cancelled)

    I hate this feeling. This gut wrenching feeling of failure and fear. I have tracked her this far and every so often the world throws up a stumbling block so that I don’t get too confident. I mean, it wouldn’t want to throw me a bone now and then to make up for it, would it? No, that would be too easy.


    Driving all night, that’s what I was doing. Tempted to add to that ‘over closed lines, but officer I saw the sign’, only quoting Tori is kind of cliché, even if I am a fan. The fact of the matter is I did drive all night and now I’m here on the outskirts of Mobile. I don’t like Alabama, I’ve just decided this. I’ve never actually been in Alabama before, wait, no that’s a lie. I crossed in and out briefly on another chase, another day. But this is the first time I’ve stopped in Alabama. If only I’d known at the time that I was going to be here I could have saved myself two months of headache and just driven straight to Mobile. Of course, then I’d be in the same position I am now and I’d be just as upset, just as angry and I’d hate Alabama just as much.


    Is it unnatural to hate Alabama this much?


    I’m sitting in my car biting the index finger of my right hand. I’m biting that bit that’s just above the knuckle. There are teeth marks in the skin because I’ve been clamping down for five minutes now.


    I can’t decide what to do. Should I get out of the car and try again or should I just move on and find my crappy, crappy motel for the night. That’s stupid, I should try again. I don’t even know if she stayed here. She might just have decided she hated Alabama as much as I do and moved right on. Sometimes Ashley and I could have a meeting of the minds in the strangest things.


    So this is what happened, because you’re wondering right. I got here, Mobile. The address I’d managed to get out of the barmaid turns out to be a post office. If I’d checked closer to the piece of paper she’d handed me I would have noticed the clues but, no, I paid not enough attention. I’d just let my eyes latch on to the city name and then I’d dashed. If I’d let my eyes drag up just a bit, but no… my lips could taste the sweet tang of some success and I overestimated it.

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    1. Great Chapter, i’m glad someone finally gave Spence alittle help, i hope she gets closer to Ash soon! Still loving the growing story of their friendship through the flashbacks. Update soon!

    2. I may have said this before but I freakin’ love this story. My heart just aches so much for Spencer. I’m just wondering now if Ashley asked Spencer if she was interested in Aiden because Ashley was actually interested in Aiden or because Ashley was interested in Spencer. Did that sentence make any sense? Anyway, I also wonder how Ashley and Spencer made the transition from best friends to something more. And what exactly did Spencer do to Ashley? So many questions I have. By the way, I believe this is more than 3 words and a sentence but I don’t really need the additional beauty help. I’m beautiful enough. That was a joke by the way, in case you were wondering.

    3. Ohhhhh you get major major points for mentioning Mobile.. I got back from there a week ago.. My dad lives there… and you description of it is so dead on.. LOL I saw two dead hogs, one dog, three cats, countless deer, possums, and armadillos all on the side of the road… corse they call it lunch in Bama! But yeah the place pretty much sucks!!! Anyway awesome update… and if anything is badly misspelled or doesn’t make sense blame this oneshot I just read… DAMN it was crazy hot… make a kid wanta be a redhead I’ll tell ya that much ;)

    4. Great Chapter, i’m glad someone finally gave Spence alittle help, i hope she gets closer to Ash soon! Still loving the growing story of their friendship through the flashbacks. Update soon!

    5. I may have said this before but I freakin’ love this story. My heart just aches so much for Spencer. I’m just wondering now if Ashley asked Spencer if she was interested in Aiden because Ashley was actually interested in Aiden or because Ashley was interested in Spencer. Did that sentence make any sense? Anyway, I also wonder how Ashley and Spencer made the transition from best friends to something more. And what exactly did Spencer do to Ashley? So many questions I have. By the way, I believe this is more than 3 words and a sentence but I don’t really need the additional beauty help. I’m beautiful enough. That was a joke by the way, in case you were wondering.

    6. Ohhhhh you get major major points for mentioning Mobile.. I got back from there a week ago.. My dad lives there… and you description of it is so dead on.. LOL I saw two dead hogs, one dog, three cats, countless deer, possums, and armadillos all on the side of the road… corse they call it lunch in Bama! But yeah the place pretty much sucks!!! Anyway awesome update… and if anything is badly misspelled or doesn’t make sense blame this oneshot I just read… DAMN it was crazy hot… make a kid wanta be a redhead I’ll tell ya that much ;)

    7. ughhh. i haaaaaaate it when girls do that! they cant just come out and say “i wanted to know if you liked him or not because i like him. but if you like him then go after him. but if you dont, i’m going to. ready break.” ugh. we always make things complicated…and hurt the people we care about the most. stupid! haha, anyways, great update. definitely. i’m so in love with this story its nuts. its rare that people do stories like these, but i understand why because it’s a hard type to do. you pull it off SO well. damn giiirl. you got skills.

    8. ughhh. i haaaaaaate it when girls do that! they cant just come out and say “i wanted to know if you liked him or not because i like him. but if you like him then go after him. but if you dont, i’m going to. ready break.” ugh. we always make things complicated…and hurt the people we care about the most. stupid! haha, anyways, great update. definitely. i’m so in love with this story its nuts. its rare that people do stories like these, but i understand why because it’s a hard type to do. you pull it off SO well. damn giiirl. you got skills.

    9. so freaking annoying!!!!!!! so what is going on with ashley? have spencer find her! i want to know what ashley is running from…hmm. questions questions questions…you have filled my mind with lots of questions. can’t wait for the next post! please update it soon!!!!

    10. so freaking annoying!!!!!!! so what is going on with ashley? have spencer find her! i want to know what ashley is running from…hmm. questions questions questions…you have filled my mind with lots of questions. can’t wait for the next post! please update it soon!!!!

    11. Oh my bad, i didn’t see, about the longer than one line. So, I’m not so sure Ashley was asking Spence those questions cuz she was interested in Aiden, maybe she was just jealous cuz she likes Spencer and then kissed Aiden to make Spence jealous. Yes! Most likely situation. Do you think I got over one line? Will I get my fairy :( While i’m here, i’ll just tell you to update your other stories too :D cuz they’re also brilliant. Okay I give up now. *waits for fairy*

    12. Oh my bad, i didn’t see, about the longer than one line. So, I’m not so sure Ashley was asking Spence those questions cuz she was interested in Aiden, maybe she was just jealous cuz she likes Spencer and then kissed Aiden to make Spence jealous. Yes! Most likely situation. Do you think I got over one line? Will I get my fairy :( While i’m here, i’ll just tell you to update your other stories too :D cuz they’re also brilliant. Okay I give up now. *waits for fairy*

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