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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: I’ve worshipped her)


    We went back to raking up leaves, but I had lost my enthusiasm for jumping in them. Instead I was busy sending glances over the side fence, hoping that she’d come out. Eventually we’d finished the front yard and my dad moved us to the back, which saddened me.


    It shouldn’t have, because that day was smiling on me I swear it. Ten minutes later there was that unmistakable squeak of the back door swinging. There she was in her backyard, which is only a fence away from my backyard. I couldn’t stop looking at her, she was so interesting. Obviously she was wearing the same clothes but now she had a CD player with her. A portable one! Ok, this sounds like a stupid thing to say in the age of Ipods but back then I was gunning for a simple walkman and that was a big ask, a portable CD player was pretty swish.


    I put down my rake and ambled over to the fence. Can I just point out at this juncture, that it was probably the first step in a series of very un-Spencer like behaviour for me. I’m shy, normally. Not shy, shy like I won’t talk to anyone, but I don’t normally make the first moves, especially to the coolest new girl ever. But she had just moved in next door, and I did want to meet her, so I ambled over to the fence. I caught her eye and she pulled the headphones off her ears,


    “Hi,” I’d said, shyly.


    “Hey,” she replied.


    “Moving in?” Gee I was proving my smarts just there wasn’t I.


    “Yeah,” she looked up at the house with an unreadable expression.


    “My name’s Spencer,” I stuck my hand awkwardly over the fence to shake hers. It forced her to either look rude or come the three metres over to the fence to shake it back. She also looked like she was weighing up her options. In the end, politeness must have won out.


    “Ashley, Ashley Davies.” Her hand was soft in mine. “You lived here long?”


    “My whole life,” I toned. “It’s a nice neighbourhood.”


    “Yeah,” she looked around again, unconvinced.


    1. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    2. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    3. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    4. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    5. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    6. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    7. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

    8. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

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