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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: I’ve worshipped her)


    “You starting school?” I was praying, desperately praying in my head that it would be my school and not the prissy little Catholic one in the next town over.


    “Uh, John Kennedy Junior High, on Monday.”


    “Cool!” I grinned, “That’s where I go.”


    I was rewarded with a smile back. “Neat, what year?”


    “Starting year eight,” I said. “Senior year, finally!”


    “Oh yeah, me too.” She smiled brightly. “Think you could show me around?”


    “I’d love to,” I said, sounding way to eager to be cool. “How are you getting there?”


    I walked to school, everyone in this town did. Even in the nineties, in the age of stranger danger, it was still way too safe in this little town not to. Besides, it was four blocks away, there would be no point in driving.


    “I guess someone will drive me,” she said, shrugging.


    “Oh, well, if you want to walk with us, you’re welcome to. Well, with me, my brothers go to the high school further up the road.”


    “Thanks,” she looked relieved.


    Someone called from in the depths of her house, I didn’t catch if it was her name but she must have,


    “I’d better go in,” she said. “It was nice to meet you Spencer. Maybe I’ll see you before Monday?”

    “Yeah, well, I only live next door,” I joked. It was a lame joke, but it earned me a smile before she went inside.


    I guess the story goes from there. I could go through every second, but it’s boring. She did come over the next day, she even saw my room and didn’t say anything about the pink. Besides, I’d put most of the soft toys away before she came over.


    She was cool, you have no idea. She listened to cool music, and watched cool films. Turns out she was from LA. She’d moved here because her new step father had gotten a job in Columbus. So, according to Ashley, she and her mother had been dragged half way across the country to join him. Not that she said but I could tell she was less than impressed.



    1. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    2. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    3. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    4. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    5. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    6. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    7. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

    8. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

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