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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: I’ve worshipped her)

    It was the next day that I realized how cool she was. Not just cool in the sense of popular and in the know, but in the sense of just a really, truly amazingly cool person.


    School. How I hated it. Well, that’s not true, I didn’t hate it that much. I was enough of a nerd to enjoy most of my classes, but I hated the social structure. Back in grade school, it was all about having fun, playing with your friends. Junior High changed that. It was something in Madison I suppose, that she wanted more, more than just little old me.


    By the time year seven had rolled around, she’d got her eye firmly on the prize. The prize being: A boyfriend, make-up, a place in the cool kids group and most importantly, a cheerleaders uniform. We didn’t have cheerleaders in Junior High, but you could join the reserve team as soon as you hit the High school which was just across the road. But you had to know the right people, and be the right kind of person.


    I had never been interested in jumping around like a lunatic, spelling things out and generally causing pep to occur. Neither had Madison, until one day. And then she’d drifted. She’d been my best friend as long as I could remember, living just up the street. We’d done everything together. Gotten our swimming lessons, our first horse riding trek. We’d done our barbies hair together (need I say, mine turned out a disaster). We’d gotten our periods in the same week, we’d done EVERYTHING together. Then one day, she came to school in this crazy short skirt and top. Ok, I let it go because she was my best friend. Then the next day, she didn’t sit with me at lunch. She sat with Samantha Perry. I watched with that sense of horror you get when you can see an accident coming and you can’t react in time to stop it. Only, no train wreck. She was accepted! They accepted her! The very next day, I tried to sit with them. I knew the train wreck had to happen some time.


    Madison had a little chat with me not long after. Something about growing up and growing apart. I thought it sounded like bull but she was off in her cool group and I was kind of now in the nerd group. But not really you know, I was pretty much a loner.


    1. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    2. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    3. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    4. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    5. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    6. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    7. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

    8. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

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