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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: I’ve worshipped her)


    I can’t say how thrilled I was when Ashley turned up at my door on Monday morning, ready to walk to school. She was easy to talk to and she made me laugh. Glen ran off like some kind of goof ball brain, like he always did, catching up with his friends. He’s going to be a jock, my brother. He’s already trying out for the football team and he’s only a freshman. My other brother Clay was reading while walking to school. No I’m not kidding, he was actually reading while walking. It was kind of fun to watch you know, because he knew the way so well he’d step over cracks in the sidewalk and stop for cars without ever lifting his head.


    Anyway, Ashley and I walked to school and I felt like I was floating on air. I had a friend. Ok, so I wasn’t so sure she’d sit with me at lunch, but there was a damn good chance right.


    I showed her to the front office and waited with her. The principal at our school is a really nice guy, and he talked to her for awhile before assigning her to my homeroom. I could have run around like Glen yelling ‘SCORE’ I swear. I also got the job of showing her around the school, which was pretty sensible given that we’d already met. Still, it made my day.


    And yes, she sat with me at lunch, which was how I came to know for the first time, what a really cool person she was.


    I sat on a bench under this tree, because the shade was nice in summer and it was away from the crowded tables in the quad. You could see them, observe people, but you didn’t have to be part of it. I almost used to feel relegated there, eating alone most days. Some days Naomi or Tash would find their way out of the library and eat with me, but not often. So today I was glad the bench was big enough for two. We were half way through our sandwiches when the shadow pulled us out of our separate reveries and back into the school yard reality.


    1. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    2. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    3. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    4. oooh! i like i like i like! i’m quite interested in this story – you leave lots of unanswered questions…perfect for reeling people in such as myself! :) can’t wait for your next post!!!

    5. I love this story, I love the high school flashbacks and everything about it. I’m dying to know where the rest of the story is headed. PMS :)

    6. They put mustard on burgers in Florida or anystate below Jersey it’s disgusting. Your mayo thing reminded me of it. Anyway I lug this story, hell I lug everything you write. And I’ll definately be waiting for you next post. :]

    7. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

    8. arghh this story is gonna be a tearjerker. i can just feel it! omg do you have to ask? of course i lug this fic! it’s completely different and i love how spencer is reminiscing the past and hell bent on finding ashley.

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