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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the girls shall we [Chapter 1])

    Both girls sat at their lunch table, bumping their heads to the music that the iPod placed. They chatted and gossiped about the days events just like any other friends.
    Both girls sitting closer to each other, than two friends actually should, touching each other more frequently than two friends should, making those too frequent touches last longer than two friends should, and they flirted with each other way too much for two friends should, especially two ‘straight’ girls.

    Of course no one gave it much importance, they just thought those two girls were much more flirtatious than others, and it was perfectly fine, as everyone understood how close both girls were.

    They enjoyed each other’s company very much, they were actually very happy that they were the only two of their little group that had this lunch period. Don’t get them wrong though, they loved their friends, but out of the 6 friends, each had that one friend from the group they could always trust no matter what.

    And well, these two girls were each other’s ‘no matter what’ friend. And to say the truth, they had a stronger bond than all the other girls.

    Sure they, had only been friends one day longer than with the rest of the group, but that one day, it seemed like, well there’s really no word or sentence that could describe how close these two girls actually were. They knew when the other lied, they knew when the other needed comfort, when the other needed space, when they were mad, sad, anything, they might as well have shared the same brain.

    There was nothing that one didn’t know about the other, they could write biography’s on each other, which they did last year for an literature project, and they could even sometimes predict when the other was going to do something, and most of the time finish each other’s sentences. Actually when someone from the group needed an opinion they asked one of the two girls, and they just knew the other would say the exact same thing.

    There were six girls in the little group, which you could say controlled the school. There was Annie, the brain of the group you could say. Straight A student, black curly long hair, incredibly cute, great body, never been touched of course, even if she was dating the captain of the wrestling team, as well as helping him pass all of his classes so he can wrestle in the first place. She was captain of most of the subject related school clubs. Science club, Math club, History Club, etc. You get the picture. She had only one boyfriend before the wrestler, who cheated on her, and of course that was before she was friends with the group, so of course the boy was going through hell in high school, from his sophomore year, to now his senior year, everyday was hell, from not getting any girls, to practically being excommunicated from the whole high school student body, even most teachers, as some had to talk to him because he was still a student, actually even the boy’s little brother, didn’t want to be seen with his brother. Annie didn’t really see everything the other girls were doing to him as fair, as she wasn’t in love with him or anything, but she wanted him to hurt, as he did cheat on her. And to say the truth, she loved somehow controlling something. She never was really was popular, and now, it was impossible to get more popular, and she secretly loved the power, as she of course hid it well.

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