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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the groups traditions [Chapter 2])

    “So my house 6, don’t be late” Ashley said to her group of friends.
    “Did you hear me Madison?” Ashley stared at the busty Latina as the other girls chuckled to themselves.

    “God sorry, it was the first time, and I was only half an hour late” Madison tried to defend herself. See she was with Spencer’s brother Glen, and although it was the first time, all the girls thought it would be something that would happen more often if they did not make sure it was controlled now. Sure the girl was obnoxious most of the time as well as annoying, but she was part of the group and no matter what, they needed her, just as much as she needed them. And the Latina was truly sorry for the mistake, as it actually hadn’t been her fault, as Glen had taken he phone away so she would ‘forget’ to go with her friends, which worked for the first 10 minutes, but Madison knows how to put her priorities first, and her girls were always first.

    “But you made us miss the previews” Ashley said as she laughed.

    “And you know how Spencer loves the previews” Ashley said as she smiled and laughed towards the blonde who just blushed lightly, but hid it well from her friends, as her hair wasn’t only used so she could look hot, but to block out her face when it turned bright red whenever Ashley made he blush with some random comment about her. It was just something Ashley could do so easily.

    “Hey, they’re like the best part” Now Spencer tried to defend herself as they all chuckled and headed to their after school activities. They always met right after school to discuss their next moves, their plans and such, especially since they all had activities after school, to make sure no one was lost they had these little meetings. And they worked surprisingly well, as they were just long enough to get all the information each needed, as well as short enough so no one was late to their after school activities.

    The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

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    1. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    2. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    3. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    4. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    5. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

    6. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

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