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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the long awaited late lunch [Chapter 8])

    Both girls were just laying there. Legs tangled, fingers intertwined, and two faces only inches apart. As a pair of blue eyes opened slowly, and just stared at the brunette beside her. She licked her lips and pecked the sleeping form on the lips.

    “Mmm, Spencer Carlin morning breath” Ashley mumbled with a small smile on her lips.

    The blonde chuckled as she started getting up before being pulled down back on the bed, and being hugged by the brunette.

    “5 more minutes” Ashley mumbled once again, and who was Spencer to object.

    About 5 more ‘5 minutes later’ Spencer was already changing while Ashley was taking a shower.

    The only thing going through Spencer’s mind was how she was going to tell her supposed best friends that she was liked Ashley more than just a friend. That they both liked each other more than just friends and they wanted to take their relationship to the next level.

    She replayed each situation in her head. Would one of them hate them, would all of them hate them?

    Maybe in the end she and Ashley would be alone in this together, if that made any sense at all.

    Ashley walked in towel on her head, just on her head.

    “What is going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Ashley broke Spencer’s concentration, of course she was thinking about the reaction of her supposed best friends but she was also thinking that even if their reaction was horrible, she knew she was all in with Ashley. No matter what she would be by the girl’s side, as long as Ashley wanted her there.

    “Are we in it for the long run?” It didn’t come out as a question though. I came out as… Well I can’t even explain how it came out but a second after the words left Spencer’s mouth Ashley was on her knees in front of the girl that at the moment was trying to take her heart.

    “Not only am I here for the long run, I’m in the lead” Ashley smiled, trying to make her blonde beauty smile, because god knows she loved that smile so much, you know of course with all the other parts of Spencer.

    “Ashley, why do you only have a towel on your head?” It came out as a laugh; Spencer did love Ashley’s stupid, but quite endearing sense of humor.

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    1. so how come i never read ths before? o well i liked it but maybe i should go back and read the beging so itll make a bit more sence lol why did crmen want them to kiss? strange lol pms please :)

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