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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the longest car ride ever [Chapter 4])

    They had walked out of the movies, but this time it was different. Of course no one noticed, except the two girls, the two girls who always held hands, except for this Friday, no, today it hadn’t happened. It had been a silent agreement that they wouldn’t do that today, no, that would just make the anxiety of the day even more overwhelming, then it would be out of control, but this way, they still had some control.
    Yes of course it makes no sense, but to them for some strange reason it did, don’t ask, because they wouldn’t be able to explain it, but they thought that anyway.

    See today, this Friday in particular, this one Friday of the whole year, well actually tomorrow was the special day that set up this Friday, see the Saturday after this Friday, tomorrow, Saturday, the Saturday after this special Friday the school was playing for the state soccer championship, as well as the cheerleading competition, and the Science league was in contention to win another scholastic award, and a chance to represent the state in the national competition.

    Of course that was a big schedule problem for the girls. Carmen, being the star soccer player, had to go, she had to play, which meant she had to be up at 6 to get to school so the bus could take them to the game, so she couldn’t possibly sleep over, because face it, if she were to stay at Ashley’s house, she would get no sleep because of all the gossiping, and all the other random stuff, so sleeping at her own house it was.

    Madison, the cheer squad captain, had to have enough sleep so she was completely cheery for the competition, and of course it didn’t help the competition was at 9 am. Sure it was at her own school, but they had to be there at 6, so they could go over some last minute things, and make sure everything was perfect, so sleeping over Ashley’s house was out of the question.

    Annie of course, smartest girl on the science team, had to make sure she knew her stuff. Of course that meaning Kyla would have to sleep over Annie’s. I mean asking Ashley was completely out of the question, her and studying never went to well, and well Spencer, she was Spencer, she wasn’t Kyla, Kyla always made her much calmer, made her nerves go away, which is why she was going with Annie to the Science league competition, so she wouldn’t be too tense knowing her friend was in the crowd.

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    1. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

    2. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

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