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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the past [Chapter 3])

    All girls sat in the Infiniti FX45. Carmen driving her car of course, with Annie riding shotgun. The other four girls in the back, Kyla behind the drivers seat, Madison to the right of Kyla, and Spencer on Ashley’s lap behind the passengers seat.
    Sure they could sit normally, with no one sitting on anyone’s lap, but Spencer and Ashley didn’t want anybody to be uncomfortable. See the backseat could fit the four but just enough so all the girls would be able to breathe. But, Spencer sat on Ashley’s lap so everyone could sit comfortably in the back.

    They could’ve taken Ashley’s explorer, but Carmen’s a better driver, safer, and well, Ashley was Ashley, so you could just imagine how she drives. Sure Carmen could’ve of driven Ashley explorer, but Ashley conveniently forgot to fill the tank up. Oh that Ashley could be so forgetful sometimes.

    Of course if you hadn’t gotten the hint yet, Spencer and Ashley likes the position they sat in when they were in Carmen’s car. Ashley’s arm around Spencer’s waist, for safety purposes of course. God forbid, they get into a crash, if Ashley’s arm wasn’t around Spencer’s waist, because Ashley is just that strong, Spencer would go flying out of the car.

    And Spencer leaned back into Ashley because she didn’t want to be in the way of Carmen’s rear view mirror. Oh, that those girls, always there to help others, giving up their comfortableness so others can be.

    I mean how they could possibly be comfortable, I have no idea, Spencer even had to grab on to Ashley’s thigh so she wouldn’t slip off her lap. But, she sat on Ashley’s lap anyway, because well, they were just that caring.

    They finally reached their destination, the movie theatre. They had been doing this for a while of course as you already know. They always purchased their tickets in advance of course, who wanted to wait in line, really. And also the fact that all the girls knew about Spencer’s preview fetish you could say.

    Kyla was the one to call it that, she wondered how someone could love the previews that much, they couldn’t miss the previews or they would hear Spencer whine, and then none of them would enjoy the movie knowing their friend wasn’t enjoying the movie.

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