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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the truth or dare game [Chapter 6])

    “So, about us” The brunette motioned with her hands as she moved it back and forth from her to the blonde.
    “What about us?” The blonde asked, looking completely innocent, but far from it.

    “You know” The smaller girl said again, blushing, not wanting to mention it. It was just so cute the red she was turning, you could say it was SC red.

    “I have no idea what you’re talking about” Spencer said as she looked around the room, it was different this time; it felt different, she just couldn’t put her finger on it though.

    “About our kiss” She practically yelled. It was a cute yell though, those kinds that little kids use when they want to get their point across. And that’s when Spencer knew what was so different in this room.

    “Well, our kisses” Ashley said in a lower voice, as she blushed profusely. Ashley was actually nervous, that’s what was different. All the times they were in Ashley’s room Spencer would be the nervous one, Spencer would be the girl who blushed and Ashley would be in charge, it was her turf and she knew it. But now the tables were turned.

    “We kissed?” Spencer asked cutely. All those almost kisses they had, those intimate moments that that they had in this room, none really mounting more than a staring contest. Ashley being the dominant one in those almost moments, not Ashley was nervous, Spencer was being calm and collected, and that wasn’t usually her, but she was definitely going to use it to her advantage.

    “Uh, there’s no use in talking with you” Ashley sighed as she got up off the couch in the room. Spencer grabbed Ashley’s hand and sat her back down.

    “Refresh my memory” Spencer stated simply. Ashley just raised her eyebrow.

    “What?” She practically choked out; she knew what Spencer wanted her to do.

    “What was the kiss like?” Spencer asked with that grin, you know the one knowing you’re in charge and the other person can do absolutely nothing to you.

    “Um…It was…with the lips…and the tongue…the hands on…me…and you” Ashley barely got that out, not forming a complete sentence at all.

    “Was it like this?” Spencer asked as she quickly pecked the brunette on the lips.

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    1. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    2. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    3. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    4. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    5. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    6. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    7. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    8. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

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