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    The King High Killer – (Chapter: Chapter 8 Eight, You're at the Gate)


    Ashley rubbed her head as she stared at the door of Kyla’s apartment. Her nap did nothing to quell her frustration or anger at a particular blonde, and work had been brutal. She wasn’t at all looking forward to going back there tomorrow, but at least, she thought as she took her overnight bag up the steps, she’d get a good night’s sleep at Kyla’s.

    Said brunette ripped the door open after the first knock, smiling brightly. “You made it!” She said with too much excitement. Ashley wasn’t exactly sure why she wouldn’t have made it. Kyla made her promise twice earlier when she came to see her at the diner that she would come no matter what.

    It was an easy promise to make. She needed a place to crash and Aiden wasn’t picking up his phone.

    “I made it.” Ashley said as she went through the door and put her bag next to the couch in the living room.

    “The popcorn’s ready, Ky.” Spencer said as she came out of the kitchen with a bowl in her hands. She stopped suddenly when she saw Ashley. Both girls were staring at each other, a little shocked.

    “Looks like Ash could come after all.” Kyla said, sensing the tension and not wanting to get caught in her lie. “Isn’t that great, Spence?” She asked, a little nervous. When neither girl spoke, the brunette thought it best to pull the sympathy card.

    “And thank you both so much for coming.” She said in a sad tone she didn’t at all feel as she dropped down to the couch. “It’s so hard being the new girl at school and I get really lonely. Your brothers great and everything, Spencer, but I miss having girls’ nights. That’s why it means so much that you came.” Both Ashley and Spencer looked down towards the floor at Kyla’s words. Silently they knew that they couldn’t leave now, despite being somewhat desperate to avoid one another.

    “No problem, Ky.” Spencer said before she cleared her throat. “Anytime.” Her smile failed as she caught sight of Ashley’s eyes on her.

    “Let’s start! We’ll carve the pumpkin as we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas!”
    Ashley took the corner of the right of the couch, Spencer the far left, putting space between them because it’s what the brunette obviously wanted. But when Kyla came in, she gestured to Ashley to move down, until Ashley was squashed between both girls.


    1. You brought back sassy pants! And yay for making out while intoxicated (hehe)! Those two girls are such experts at avoiding the issue, they take one step forward and two steps back! Spencer was right, it’s almost worse than when they “hated” each other! Go talk to her Spencer! Well, after you save your dad and run away from the killer, that is. Why does the killer keep going back to the diner? Oh right, Carmen was supposed to be working that night. What’s up with Marie saving Ashley? And why was she so mad? Is that not part of the grand plan? Why did Sherry take money from her bank account? Why isn’t Aiden answering his phone (not that I care)? Who called to warn them? What happened to Arthur? Why is he always so tired? Why does the killer hate kids so much? There’s more than one person in the basement? Why did the killer say “You’d want that, wouldn’t you?” after the accomplice suggested checking up on the hostages? Huh … curiouser and curiouser (I just watched Alice in Wonderland). The plot thickens … now please write more and don’t take too long! I want to know what happens next!!! I’m so demanding, I know. But it’s your fault! Thanks for the update!

    2. well I honestly think keepXmeXawake said just about everything I was going to say! I just want to jump into the story so I can slap ash and spence upside their heads.. good grief.. someone just start talking! ugh! how frustrating. anyway, another fantastic update. I’m also demanding more! and yes it is your fault! you’re just too damn good at what you do so start writing!!!!

    3. I would say be like 911 and save me from this need to read but 911 is slow so just be fast haha. Nah take as long as you need because its an awesome story. I miss you though big sis. Well love ya. Keep on posting.

    4. SoNFANFOREVER – I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to steal your thoughts! I seem to do that a lot, huh? How rude! haha But let’s blame Stix, I like that plan a lot! Btw Stix, I came back to say that YES, this definitely didn’t disappoint! Ok, I’m still demanding an update! Start writing! Drink more redbull!!!!!

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