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    The Nanny

    The Nanny

    One Shot


    A floral scented breeze, wisped down the suburban neighbourhood of Cleveland, Ohio. Friendly neighbours greeted one another, as their children played in the perfectly mowed lawns, which were surrounded by a classic white picket fence. The children played with their pets as the sun watched over them.

    The gently breeze blew harder as a young women in her early 20′s walked round the corner, entering the picture perfect Lakewood area. She glided down the smooth paved path with perfect pose. There was never a step out of place.

    A long beige coat flowed quietly behind the leggy blonde. Her face; partly hidden from view by her over sized sun glasses. Her hair was sleek and shiny, with the sun’s daring precision; it almost looked like the young woman was glowing.

    Every eye watched the strange beauty as she floated swiftly past their houses. Each knowing, that the bar of perfection had risen. It now stood so high that it seemed impossible to accomplish by any means.

    Some were quick to judge the blonde as a devil, sent up to make them feel bad about their seemingly perfect lives. Some thought of her as an Angel, sent down to show them the wonders of heaven. She was neither Angel nor Devil; she was just Spencer ‘Mercy’ Carlin.

    And her destination was gradually coming into sight. The building of her focus was large, probably larger than necessary. The windows were twice the average size, but they effectively allowed large amounts of light into the rooms, of which they looked into. The white brick house was the only family home not protected by a white picket fence. No instead a 12 foot tall steel wall stood in its place. And the large gate did nothing to welcome onlookers inside. Nether the less the mansion was a pretty sight if nothing else.

    Spencer’s eyes never faltered as she approached the large steel gate. Looking to her left she found a black speaker box. Walking over she laid a soft finger tip on the call button. As she waited for a reply, she adjusted her pearl white hand bag, so it lay perfectly on her forearm.

    The box crackled.

    “State your name and business?” Confidence shined through a she responded.

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    1. Are you kidding me? This can’t be a one-shot you set up everything perfectly and basically left us hanging. Sorry man you aren’t off the hook with this just yet. It’s too good :)

    2. okay so first off i’d just like to say there’s a biiiig diffrence between spanking(whooping) and beating, and some kids just need to get a whoopin :) but abuse/beating IS NOT cool. i can’t believe you arent posting more! you must! you must! and anyway ashley w/hot spencer nanny is hawt

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