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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 1)

    I never knew what people meant when they said they had sweaty palms. Then I met her and I was so scared. Stumbling over my words, unable to make sense, can barely breathe and shamelessly laugh at bad jokes, nervous. That’s the first time I noticed my palms were sweating.

                I’m not the type to fall head over heels for some girl. I don’t call when I say I will, I don’t tell them they’re beautiful, and I don’t give a dam if I broke their heart or not. I’ve always been the love ‘em and leave ‘em type. But this girl was different. Maybe it’s because her laugh was undeniably contagious. Or the fact that when she starts talking to me I can’t even try to conceal the excitement in my voice. Maybe it’s because I had finally become sick of the one night stands and the meaningless flings. No matter what the reason was, I knew the minute I saw her that she easily became my priority.           

                I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my sophomore year at college and I was surprised when I saw her and didn’t recognize her. I knew I hadn’t seen her before because I could never forget this face. At the time, I thought, she might be the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Now, I know she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and will ever see again.

                She walked into the cafeteria wearing faded blue jeans, and a long-sleeved plum-colored shirt that fit her just right, clinging to all the right places. She carried her books and wore her shoulder length, blonde hair down, flowing freely as she walked briskly. She was with some other people, but I barely noticed them next to her. She must have been having a conversation with them, because she was laughing and smiling; a sight I still can’t bring myself to look away from to this day.

                Thank God for that conversation though, otherwise she would have noticed me staring at her. She walked right by my table and I stared as she walked past me, turning my head almost all the way around, until she was behind a pole and I could no longer see her. I turned my head back to the table and the conversation I had completely forgotten about.

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