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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 4)

    The next day classes went by real slow. I couldn’t pay attention in any of them. All I could think about was that kiss. That absolutely amazing kiss. She was perfect in so many ways. That was how every kiss should feel. Though I guess if every kiss felt that way we wouldn’t know which ones really meant something.

                “Ashley!” I heard someone yell my name as I walked across the quad to my dorm. I turned to see it was Angela.

                “Oh, sorry Ang, I was in a daze I guess,” I said.

                “Yeah I could tell by the stupid grin on your face. Who’s the lucky girl you’re thinking about?” she asked jokingly.

                “Oh Ang, you know you’re the only girl I think about,” I replied sarcastically.

                “Anyways,” she changed the subject. “You still want to go shopping?”

                “Oh yeah, definitely. I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll call you?”

                “Yeah that’s fine, I’ll be ready. And I’ll try to convince our girl ‘all-work and no play’ Spencer to come to,” she said making fun of her.

                I chuckled. “Yeah sounds like a plan. But good luck tearing her away from those books,” I said knowing she was probably burying herself in them to get her mind off of, well, me hopefully.

                I showered quickly and even though I didn’t think Spencer would come, I took a little longer to get ready so I looked extra nice. I threw on my ripped jeans, some flip flops, fitted tee and headed out to my car. Once I was outside Angela’s dorm I called her to tell her I was waiting outside in my car. When she walked out, I couldn’t help but let the grin slide across my face like a total idiot. Spencer was with her.

                Angela slid in the front seat. “Look who I convinced to take a study break.”

                “Yeah I see, glad you could come Spencer,” I said softly turning around to look at her in the back seat.

                She just looked out the window and replied, “Yeah well my brother’s birthday is coming up and I need to get him something”

                The ride there was pretty quiet except the music playing. Angela is a terrible D.J. though, because we basically listened to miserable rap music the entire way there. We got to the mall and had been shopping a while without buying a thing because, well, we’re college kids so we’re broke.

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    1. just started reading this…great story…p.s. i hope u r feeling better and less angry but on the positive note, you got a lot of writing done lol

    2. This is great! Nice to have so many chapters to got at! Hope you feel properly vented after all this writing! But not so much you don’t write any more!!

    3. just caught up and this story is amazing! I’m completely and hopelessly hooked. it may be selfish of me to say but I’m glad you were angry and drinking which led you to write so much. can’t wait for another post!

    4. That was some very good drunk and angry writing. The fact that the girls are talking is a good sign that they may be able to overcome any obstacles that might encounter. They seem to be going at a decent enough pace but Ashley has already fallen and fallen hard. Spencer is there as well but she’s still very new to this so she might remain more hesitant in furthering their relationship. Hopefully Ashley will be a shoulder and comfort for her when she’s really ready to explore what they could possibly have with each other.

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