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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 5)

    Spencer and I kept this ‘just friends’ charade on for a while. But every night just about, she’d end up in my bed. We’d just kid around in front of Angela and in public, trying so hard not to give it away that when they weren’t all looking, we were all over each other. Honestly, it was hard. Sometimes she was so beautiful and sexy, all I’d want to do was touch her. Or sometimes when we were walking through the quad, I’d just want to hold her hand and kiss it. I knew I couldn’t though. I wish she could just accept who she is, but I wouldn’t push her. I just hope it wouldn’t come out in some way she didn’t want it to.

                I asked Spencer if I could let Aiden in on the secret, trying to explain that he was my best friend and would never tell anyone. After a while of nagging, she finally let me.

                I walked into Aiden’s room with a the hugest smile on my face and flung myself back on his couch. “Aiden I have the greatest news!”

                “You finally get some?” he asked sarcastically.

                “Yes, Aiden,” I chuckled. “I got plenty. In fact, I even have a secret little girlfriend.”

                “Shut up!” he exclaimed a little too flamboyantly for my taste. “Spencer’s actually gay!”

                “Whoa whoa whoa! How the hell did you know it was Spencer?” I asked completely shocked that he knew who it was.

                “Well, you were pining over her for weeks, and now the past week or so, you’ve been like, crazy happy,” he explained. I couldn’t help but smile. “See, right there!” he continued. “You’re so into her!”

                “Ugggggh, I know I am!” I said as I buried my head into one of his pillows. “It’s weird, I haven’t really felt this way about anyone.” I sat up and he came and sat next to me, wrapping me in his strong arms.

                “That’s a good thing Ash,” he explained. “You deserve something that’s about more than just sex. Be careful though, if Spencer’s not sure this is what she wants, I don’t want you getting hurt.”

                “Yeah, me neither Aid,” I sighed out. “Don’t tell Angela or anyone yet okay? I want her to be ready.”

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    1. Great chapter…although if Spencer was upset not to celebrate Valentines day why didn’t she do something for Ashley….hmmm?!? Very romantic tho’, she really needs to come out to Angela tho!

    2. great update! so romantic and lovey dovey, yea I love that stuff. I’m just hoping that nothing bad happens to out spencer… the sooner she tells angela the better. at least then they can be a little more open even if it’s only around aiden and angela. dunno man I sense a storm brewing. but I hope I’m wrong! hope that your anger has subsided a bit, although it was great getting so much of this story at once lol. awesome job, pms!

    3. my fav part was “with my handS around her waist, hers around my shoulder, and our OTHER hands intertwined…” they have 2 pairs of hands or what!?! lol…. but the update was great! keep on posting!

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