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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 6)

    It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and Spencer and I were cuddled on the couch watching Lifetime. I’m a sucker for a good Lifetime movie, and have no shame in letting the tears fall freely at “Too Young to be a Father,” or whatever sappy story they decide to show that day. She was lying down in front on me, with me behind her spooning. Her hair smells so good right now, like strawberries and sunflowers. Then we heard keys outside the door and sat up quickly, knowing it was Angela.

                She burst in the room with so much energy. “Oh my God you guys, killer party tonight in Apartment 22! We have to go.”

                Honestly, we had been staying in a lot lately and I could go for a night out.

                “I’m down for it if you guys want to,” I said, looking at Spencer specifically.

                “Yeah,” she replied. “I could go for some dancing.”

                “Okay great!” Angela replied excitedly. “We shouldn’t go till like 10:30, so do you guys want to start pre-gaming at like 9? Just us girls?”

                “Yeah definitely,” I replied. “What do you guys want to drink? I’ll head out to the liquor store in a little while.”

                “Ummm, well I don’t want to get too drunk,” Spencer said. “Maybe just some beers?”

                “Oh, I am going out hard tonight!” Angela said. “Get me some rum and we can make Margarita’s!”

                I laughed at her enthusiasm. She really was so high spirited. “Okay, well it’s already six, so I’m going to head to the store and then shower and stuff. I’ll be back around 9.”


                I got back to their place a little before nine, booze in hand and ready to go. I think this is going to be a fun night. The door was unlocked so I just walked in.

                “Hey guys! I’m here and I have treats!” I yelled, referring to the booze.

                “Ashley, thank God!” I heard Angela exclaim. “Will you please come here and tell Spencer she needs to wear something sexy. She needs a man, I mean, how long has it been since you’ve been with a guy?”

    I couldn’t help but laugh at this as I walked towards them. “Yeah, Spencer, how long has it been?” I asked still laughing.

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    1. Oh shit, who is at the door?! Is it Angela or Kate? Ashley is so in love with Spencer and I’m pretty sure the feelings are mutual. Spencer is very lucky that Ashley is staying by her side and being supportive in her coming to terms with her sexuality. I really like this story.

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