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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 7)

    Later, Spencer and I met Angela and a few other friends for lunch after class. As we walked into the dining hall together, totally smitten with each other, we barely noticed anyone else until we got to our usual table.

                “What? No table for two?” Angela speaks without even so much as a ‘hello.’

                “Excuse me?” I say first.

                “You two didn’t want to be alone or anything?”

                Spencer and I looked at each other totally confused. Even though we could guess why she was saying it, we had no idea how she could have known.

                “What are you talking about Ang?” Spencer spoke up.

                Then Angela leaned in closer to Spencer and says, “I’m supposed to be your best friend, and you keep this shit from me?” Then she storms out of the dining hall with a vengeance. Spencer looks at me and I give her a head nod to let her know she should go follow her and I’ll stay here.

                After lunch, I headed to the library for a while to give Spencer and Angela time to sort this out. They were best friends and I didn’t want to get in the way. But after an hour and a text to Spencer that went unanswered, I decided to head over to their place to check up.

                I walked into their living room and could hear them screaming in their bedroom.

                “No Spencer, how the fuck could you think I would be mad that you’re happy?” Angela appeared to be hysterical. Apparently, so was Spencer as I could hear her sobbing.

                “I don’t know Ang, it’s weird I guess. You always talked about being each other’s maids of honor and stuff, I didn’t know how to tell you I could end up marrying a girl.”

                “That’s fucking stupid Spencer!” Angela was not letting her off easy. “Why the fuck would I care who you marry? I have always loved you regardless of who you have dated.”

                “Fuck, Angela, I don’t know what to say okay?!” She was at the height of hysteria and I decided to go help her out and walk in there rather than eavesdropping inconspicuously like I was. As I entered their room I heard Spencer continue her rant to Angela.

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