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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 9)

    Chapter 9

                The next day I went to Spencer’s after class hoping to catch her to go get some coffee. I walk into their apartment and Angela’s on the couch watching television.

                “Oh, hey Ash. Here to see your girlfriend?” she says cheerily as she mocks the fact that Spencer and I are now together.

                “She may be my girlfriend, Ang,” I say as I take a seat next to her on the couch, “but I can still come here to see you ya know?”

                She looks at me thinking for a second before responding. “Yeah right,” she says as she rolls her eyes and turns her head to yell. “Spencer! You’re girlfriend is here!”

                I laugh at her and also roll my eyes. “So do I know longer have a name? Just Spencer’s girlfriend?”

                “Is there something wrong with that?” Spencer asks as she walks into the room.

                “Of course not, my love. I’m yours,” I reply as she sits down next to me and gives me a quick kiss on my lips.

                “So,” Angela interrupts our googley eyes at each other. “I did some research on lesbians, you know, trying to be a good best friend”

                “What?” Spencer and I both ask as we chuckle at Angela.

                “Yeah, so at first I did a Google search and ew, I was not pleased with the nasty images that came up,” she says quickly as we all share in a laugh. “But I eventually found some actual good sites. Therefore, Spencer, I bought you a Tegan & Sara CD and I’ve rented the first season of the L Word. But, that’s more for me, for educational purposes.”

                “Are you serious?” I asked in bewilderment.

                “Of course I’m serious! I want to know all about the wonderful world of lesbians.”

                “You could have just asked me Ang,” I reply. “I mean, I am one and all.”

                “Hey, me too!” Spencer chimed in. Angela and I both laughed and rolled our eyes at her. “What? I am”

                “Yes dear,” Angela responds, “but you’re a very bad one.”

                “What? I am not,” she says offended. “Tell her I’m not Ashley”

                Well, babe,” I say trying to approach this the right way. “You’re just kind of new to it is all. It’s not a bad thing. And you have a very good teacher to help you out,” I say seductively.

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    1. great job i realy liked it :) lol so funny aiden was all like “ive never seen them do that before” he didnt even sound beleiveable lol :) anyways great job pms please cant wait to see what ashley does do for spencers birthday :)

    2. omg this chapter was too good for words! everything about it was great. loved that they actually met before at a party and then ash pulled out the old yearbook. that was quite revealing. great update, pms!

    3. That was a really meaty update! I am still so into this story and it was great to see an update. Made my otherwise super stressful day! Thanks!!

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