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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: 14- YES I’m attracted to you.)


    The next day at school she was dreading running into Ashley. What would she say to her? But she didn’t see Ashley all day.

    The next day at 12:30 a light knock on her apartment door startled her. She was sitting on the couch reading her chemistry book. Spencer opened the door and found Ashley with a white rose in her hand, smiling at her.


    “Hi” Ashley breathed out ‘god she looks so cute with her glasses’
    ”Hey Ashley” Spencer replied “wanna come in?”

    “Well I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go to lunch…so how about it?” “Oh and this is for you” she said handing the single white rose to her. Spencer smiled and smelled the rose. It was light and perfect.


    “Actually I cant I’m studying, I have a test tomorrow and I cant seem to get the stuff, maybe some other time?”

    “Yeah… some other time” Ashley said disappointedly “So I’ll see you around tomorrow or something” Ashley finished off and walked out the door. Spencer thought maybe she should’ve gone, that look on her face was to hard to say no to. ‘Next time definitely’


    One day that week while Ashley waited for Spencer by her door she over heard her conversation.


    “Who’s were you talking?” she asked not in a mean or jealous way. “What you live a secret life or what ha-ha?”

    “Oh that was my brother Glen”


    Ashley followed her into her apartment building and came in and Spencer didn’t care or she didn’t realize she had let the brunette in.


    “I just realized how little I know about you, tell me”

    “Tell you what? Spencer asked

    “About you, about your life”


    Their eyes met and held and Spencer felt her heart beat quicken. “What do you want to know?”


    “My mother died when I was 17, and I and my father are very close, I spend a lot of my time with him, I love him very much, I don’t know what I’d with out him.”

    “So your father raised you?”

    “Not just him, my to elder brothers, Glen and Clay, they are amazing… well Glen can be an ass but he’s still good brother”

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    1. Spencer, I got one word for you….ASS…that is what you ae..she tells you she likes you..wants to give you both a chance..and you basically tell her..I like you..but we will never be together…can ou say..”Hi! My name is Spencer..and I am an ASS!” Awesome update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS..ASAP

    2. Spencer, I got one word for you….ASS…that is what you ae..she tells you she likes you..wants to give you both a chance..and you basically tell her..I like you..but we will never be together…can ou say..”Hi! My name is Spencer..and I am an ASS!” Awesome update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS..ASAP

    3. Great update… Spencer should be careful. She might lose Ashley. Sometimes a girl gets tired of trying. Really, what is she afraid of? That she will be extremely happy and having great sex. Oh yeah, that’s something to be afraid of. (Just kidding, I know she’s afraid of getting hurt, but when will she learn that you can’t stop that fear. The chance of getting hurt is always there. You just have to go for it or you will never experience anything.) More soon please…

    4. Great update… Spencer should be careful. She might lose Ashley. Sometimes a girl gets tired of trying. Really, what is she afraid of? That she will be extremely happy and having great sex. Oh yeah, that’s something to be afraid of. (Just kidding, I know she’s afraid of getting hurt, but when will she learn that you can’t stop that fear. The chance of getting hurt is always there. You just have to go for it or you will never experience anything.) More soon please…

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