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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: 16- Beer runs.)



    She said her goodbyes and headed home. She changed into her sweats and a tank top. She laid in bed, she imagined kissing Ashley the taste of wine on Ashley’s tongue. The feel of smooth skin beneath her fingertips. She shuddered. But was it to late? as Ashley came back to her again and again lips and tongue teasing her, tantalizing her. She offered her breasts to Ashley and soon her breast was covered with a warm mouth. She wanted to feel Ashley inside her. She wanted her deep fingers inside her. She groaned and rolled over tasting Ashley’s skin again, in her mouth. Her nipples swell against her tongue.


    “Oh” she breathed out when her fingers touched her own wetness. Her mouth opened waiting for Ashley’s kiss as her fingers moved, stroking herself, bringing her self closer to orgasm.

    It was Ashley’s mouth she wanted her tongue sliding into her and finally her hips rose once, hard against her hand and she turned her face into the pillow, stiffing her scream.

    When her breathing came back to normal Spencer opened her eyes half expecting to see Ashley there watching her. But she was still alone.

    Ashley was no doubt with summer.







    Spencer spent a lonely Sunday afternoon curled in the corner of her couch, her thoughts jumping from her book in her lap to Ashley. She tried desperately not to think about last night… Ashley with summer. Her father had a few old friends over for a little fishing and she took her leave a little early. She was looking forward to Monday. Maybe Ashley forgot about their talk. She had been rude to Ashley and really should apologize. But she never got the chance to. Spencer didn’t see Ashley all week.


    The following Saturday she had that BBQ she had agreed to go to. She didn’t know them. Just that they had been together for a few years and were friends of Jorie’s. She was going on hopes to Ashley. At least she could be honest with herself about that.


    They lived in a nice old house, with a huge backyard and a stone patio. A keg of beer was waiting. A barbeque pit was smoking and the smoke assailed her when she walked over. A Volleyball net was up while Courtney and Tristan were serving each other. Spencer noticed that those two were together a lot now too. Not just at dinner were they always sitting next to each other but they would always be together everywhere. That was something she had to ask later on. But right now she was searching for a familiar face.

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    1. I just finished reading this magnificent story and it’s incomplete. Each chapter drew me further into the story and characters…I actually love this story and can’t believe that there hasn’t been an update in months. Please I beg of you finish…don’t leave us dangling over the cliff by a string.

    2. I just finished reading this magnificent story and it’s incomplete. Each chapter drew me further into the story and characters…I actually love this story and can’t believe that there hasn’t been an update in months. Please I beg of you finish…don’t leave us dangling over the cliff by a string.

    3. This story is WAY to familar to my liking. Read Gerri Hill’s published book: ONE SUMMER NIGHT and the story AND the dialog is the same or at least very close to it.

    4. This story is WAY to familar to my liking. Read Gerri Hill’s published book: ONE SUMMER NIGHT and the story AND the dialog is the same or at least very close to it.

    5. This story sounded familiar too.It’s ONE SUMMER NIGHT from Gerri could have at least change the dialogs….I reckon that you shouldn’t take any credits for such great work.I’ m shocked and pissed at you because i love gerri hill’s work.

    6. This story sounded familiar too.It’s ONE SUMMER NIGHT from Gerri could have at least change the dialogs….I reckon that you shouldn’t take any credits for such great work.I’ m shocked and pissed at you because i love gerri hill’s work.

    7. spencer cant keep denyin her feelins fo ashley cuz she hott as hell….but anyway like alwayz dis update was off tha chizain so keep it up shorti

    8. spencer cant keep denyin her feelins fo ashley cuz she hott as hell….but anyway like alwayz dis update was off tha chizain so keep it up shorti

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