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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter 11- A little cold shoulder should do the trick.)

    “Because that wasn’t me,” Spencer said “I just don’t do that. Not with someone like you” she wanted to take the words back immediately.

    She saw the pain flash cross Ashley’s face, “Some one like me?… Am I that bad?”

    “Well, I’ve been told that you see a lot of women at the same time” Spencer got angry “and I hate the fact that I was just another to add to your hundreds”

    “Hundreds? Is that what you think?”

    Spencer didn’t answer

    “Well no wonder you don’t want to have anything to do with me. I’m a bum, with one HELL of a reputation”

    Spencer was sorry she had even brought up this “I didn’t mean…”

    “Yes you did. I’m sorry Spencer” Ashley walked away “I’ll leave you alone, let you forget all about it. Let you plead temporary insanity”

     She got in her convertible and drove off, and Spencer just sat here in her car for a very long time before leaving. She had hurt Ashley. All this time she had pretended that Ashley didn’t have feelings but she did, just as she did.  





    She hadn’t seen Ashley at all the next week and much as she hated to admit it, she missed her. She found herself looking for her to stick her head in the doorway at lunch, asking her to go, both knew Spencer wouldn’t. One day Spencer saw Ashley walking down the hall away from her, arms loaded with her books from her classes that day, Spencer almost called to her but realized it wasn’t for the best.

    Spencer had been avoiding games and practices. She didn’t want to see Ashley but she did, she didn’t understand what was going on. The next Saturday Courtney called Spencer to invite her to a practice game. Spencer accepted. Spencer had not spoken to Ashley since the dinner at sky’s place. She had half the mind to ask her if Ashley was still going to school there. 


    She walked with her bag to the field and squeezed in-between sky and Jorie.


    I haven’t seen you in age’s Spencer” Jorie said hugging her

    “Ya I’ve been busy, you classes and stuff” she lied again, this was becoming a habit now

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