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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter 4- Dancing can quench all that you need.)

    Ashley saw Tristan’s smile and ignored her as best as she could.

    Ashley then danced with Katherine. Spencer watched them move on the floor. Spencer saw that Ashley held her the same distance when they danced. That made her happy, but she didn’t know why.



    The table was talking and the music was loud. Spencer was aware of Ashley sitting across from her, daring to meet her eyes from time to time, smiling back at her smiles. Ashley didn’t ask her to dance again until another slow song came on. Spencer accepted with a smile, she laid her hand in Ashley’s and walked to the floor.


    Ashley held her closer this time, but there was still space between them, and Spencer wished Ashley would hold her even more tighter. Spencer closed her eyes and laid her palm on Ashley’s strong shoulder. They danced slowly, their feet moving effortlessly, and Ashley took a breath, in-taking the smell of Spencer’s light perfume she wore. When the song ended, they moved slowly apart, their eyes holding for a long moment before Ashley smiled and Spencer blushed and looked down.


    “We dance pretty good together, don’t you think” smiling Spencer just nodded and followed her back to the table.

    Spencer grabbed another drink and downed it in gulp.


    “Thirsty?” Courtney asked with a coy smile.

    “What do you mean” Spencer knew what she meant

    “Nothing it’s just you looked thirsty from all the dancing” And she turned to sky and began another conversation.  

    Spencer looked up and found Ashley watching her. Their eyes held again, Spencer finally looked away blushing ‘god what does she do to me’

     Giving herself a mental shake. She felt a tap on her shoulder it

    “How about a dance?”

    “sure” she walked with her to the floor, it was a fast 2 step song, they moved well together but nothing like Ashley. Ashley was watching her the whole time and how, graceful she was the way she moved, the way she smiled. It was all to perfect.


    When another slow song came on Spencer bravely raised her eyes across the table, and Ashley was there. Silently asking her to dance with an arch eyebrow.    Ashley nodded and got out of her seat, all the while Katherine had her eyes squinted and blowing steam from her ears. All the others were just happy for Ashley.

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    1. hmmmm…interesting developmentssss. gotta love what the dance floor does to the libido haha. not to mention liquor. lol. but oh spencer…dont fight what your heart is telling you is right damn it! go with the flow lil girl. you’re more than just a one night stand this time around. guaranteed. wonderful wonderful wonderful. absolutely wonderful. wonderful wonderful.

    2. hmmmm…interesting developmentssss. gotta love what the dance floor does to the libido haha. not to mention liquor. lol. but oh spencer…dont fight what your heart is telling you is right damn it! go with the flow lil girl. you’re more than just a one night stand this time around. guaranteed. wonderful wonderful wonderful. absolutely wonderful. wonderful wonderful.

    3. For my ‘inner eye’ I can see the whole situation in slow motion.. you Go girl with all explanations of those feelings .. keep going.. I love itNatalie

    4. For my ‘inner eye’ I can see the whole situation in slow motion.. you Go girl with all explanations of those feelings .. keep going.. I love itNatalie

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