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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter.5 – Slow Dancing)

    Even when she wasn’t ready for the rush of desire that consumed her when Ashley’s lips finally touched hers. Spencer’s mouth opened eagerly under Ashley’s. And her feet stopped moving. Stopping their dance when all she wanted was for their kiss to continue. 


    Ashley drew her lips away slowly and continued their dance, forcing Spencer to move with her around the floor. Ashley’s arms held her tightly, and Spencer was very thankful, because if those strong tan arms weren’t holding her she’d collapse right then and there. They didn’t speak when the song ended they just walked back hand in hand to their table. Spencer’s eyes caught Courtney’s and Sky’s eyes, feeling as if they all saw them kissing on the dance floor, but they seemed all to busy talking amongst each other.


    Flustered, she sipped her drink, refusing to look up in to those eyes that that had her heart racing.  Spencer closed her eyes; she tried to fight the attraction she felt for

    Ashley Davis, all time player. And Ashley raised her brows and gave her a small, gentle smile. Spencer didn’t retune it, she was too embarrassed. Did Ashley think she did this sort of thing all the time?












    CHAPTER 5:                 



    Another slow song started and with a will of her own Spencer’s eyes sought Ashley’s.


    I’m lost without you
    Can’t help myself
    How does it feel
    To know that I love you baby

    Tell me how you love me more
    And how you think I’m sexy babe
    That you don’t want nobody else

    “Dance with me” Ashley said softly almost a whisper. Spencer was powerless under her eyes to refuse. She moved into her arms eagerly. Ashley held her tightly both arms behind Spencer’s back as Spencer slid her arms over Ashley’s shoulders, puling her closer.



    You don’t want this guy
    You don’t want that guy
    You wanna

    Touch yourself when you see me
    Tell me how you love my body
    And how I make you feel babe

    You wanna roll with me
    You wanna hold with me
    You wanna stay warm and get out of the cold with me

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    1. That was hot! This club/bar plays so many slow songs! They keep sitting down and then getting up to dance. I wish the club I used to go to did that! LOL! But I still enjoyed the intimacy between Ash and Spence..Loved it…more please…

    2. I just got caught up on your story. And i must say HOT. Where did ashley go she could have at least left a note. I really like your story. Wonderful update. PMS

    3. That was hot! This club/bar plays so many slow songs! They keep sitting down and then getting up to dance. I wish the club I used to go to did that! LOL! But I still enjoyed the intimacy between Ash and Spence..Loved it…more please…

    4. I just got caught up on your story. And i must say HOT. Where did ashley go she could have at least left a note. I really like your story. Wonderful update. PMS

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