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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter 6-Just Leave!)


    “Oh that’s probably her girlfriend, she was there for the scrimmage today and she comes every now and then to the games” Sky said.


    Spencer felt her stomach sinking; she grabbed her beer and drank it.

     ‘GIRLFRIEND? GIRLFRIEND!! she had a girlfriend!’







    Why did this surprise Spencer, girls like that would always have one. She had taken home a stranger from the bar and had made passionate love all night, and she had a girlfriend. She took a long swallow from her beer, trying got still her pounding heart, trying to ease the pain she felt in her stomach. Heidi came over and Spencer smiled absently at her and finished the rest of her beer. 


    She wasn’t driving, she could drink, she thought as she reached for another. Anything ot hide the fact she was embarrassed jus to be around her.


    “Who’s with Ashley?” Heidi asked

    “Oh that’s Summer, one of her girlfriends” Jorie finished saying


    ‘one of them? Oh god Spencer took a deep breath and smiled, pretending to be unaffected by their conversation.


    “I think she’s pretty much got her picked” sky said looking at them


    Julie added “Ya I always see her out, she goes out a lot too, and I always see her with someone new”

    “ I would think so… she gorgeous” Courtney said


    Julie obvious to Spencer state right now and kept talking.


    Finally when the conversation turned away from Ashley and her “girls” Spencer started to have a little fun but she managed to keep her eye on Ashley and her girlfriend.


    The sun was setting and she thought she should be heading home, anywhere but here, where she had shield her eyes from Ashley listening so intently to Summer.  She could avoid looking at Ashley. Ashley’s head was bent forward listening to Summer talking, why she had to touch Ashley when she spoke, or place her hands on her thighs. She was a blond, and beautiful, her hair flowing to her shoulders

    And her hair? Surly that wasn’t natural.


    Spencer watched them remembering last night and all she had shared with Ashley. She watched her lips and she watched her hands thinking of then touching her and

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    1. spencer went from fun, flirty, and sex crazed drunk to angry, bitchy, me no fun drunk. i like the former rather than the latter version of our girl. i do wish she’d just let ashley explain though. lets make it happen. great update.

    2. spencer went from fun, flirty, and sex crazed drunk to angry, bitchy, me no fun drunk. i like the former rather than the latter version of our girl. i do wish she’d just let ashley explain though. lets make it happen. great update.

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