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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter8 Dinner with a friend.)



    “Spence she’s just a friend” Ashley said

    “Yup, so I’ve heard”

    “I can explain Spencer” Ashley said

    “No, there’s no need really” She looked away and then back at Ashley, falling back into her dark brown eyes, but trying her best to look a way.

    “Last night was something I never do and I’ve never done that in my life and I don’t plan to have a repeat of that, and good god you have a girlfriend, how could you” Spencer hissed “Why didn’t you tell me about her?”


    “Spencer really it’s not like that” Ashley said “we’re not together”


    Spencer raised her hand and shook her head “look it doesn’t even matter, its none of my business”

    Ashley looked frustrated “Fine we dated before but that’s over Spencer, we’re just friends I swear. Let’s go somewhere and talk please?” She tried taking Spencer’s hand but she pulled away.


    “I’ve got nothing to say to you it’s none of my business” she whispered just before summer joined them.


    “Ashley are you coming?” summer asked she said sweetly and Spencer bit her lip. The girl looked like she had just stepped out of the pages from a magazine.

    “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute” she turned to Spencer “We need to talk” she said quietly “you have to let me explain”

    “Don’t bother just leave” Spencer said and turned away.





    The next Friday Allison called Spencer to invite her to the bar after the game, but she as in no mood, especially cheering for the damn cheater. She instead asked Allison over to her place for dinner. Allison accepted of course. Everyone knew Allison had a little thing for Spencer but no one ever made a big deal.


    Spencer was putting in the CD, when she heard the knocking on the door.


    “Hey, good to see you” Spencer stepped back from the door and mentioned her inside.



    Allison holding a bottle of wine gave a quick one arm huge. “You too”


    She looked around the place

    “You know I’ve missed coming here, it’s been a long time”


    “Ya, to long, but it’s just you never seemed to get along with Nancy. Her longest relationship 3 years. She spent it with her, her good times and her worst. And it ended the worst possible way.

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