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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: MisTakes)


    Spencer woke up slowly feeling disoriented. Her mind cleared and her eyes snapped open. She turened her head quickly looking at the bed… EMPTY.






    “Oh god” she said out loud and shut her eyes.

    “What have I done?!?”


    She rolled over and looked a the clock. Ten already, Ashley had practice at nine.




    Spencer closed her eyes the memories of last night, covering her face with her hands, Did she really spend the entire night making love to Ashley Davis? “YES” she said out loud.


    “oh god” she said again. She turned her head into the pillow and took a deep breath, smelling Ashley’s perfume mixed with the sweet smell of their love making

    “OH GOD”


    Rolling back on to her back side, she clutched her knees to her stomach. 

    “What have I done?” she whispered. She lay there wit h her eyes closed, trying ot deny the truth, but the reality of last night came crashing down around her. She hadn’t had many lovers. Had never spent an entire night making love. Even with her girlfriend nancy whom she was with for 3 years. She could only remember a few hours in bed making love. None of her experiences had consumed her as much as this one.

    She felt warm thinking of all the things Ashley’s hands and lips had done to her.


    “Oh god.. was I out of my mind?”

     Lying in bed she let her mind go blank, soon drifting back to sleep. An hour later she woke up to a phone call.

    She let the answer machine pick it up. She sat up and felt light headed and blamed the RUM for all of last night. Or better the heat that was all around them. She rubbed her head and stood up, naked and looked for her clothes lying in a heap by the bed. “Oh god” she repeated shaking her head.


    The phone rang again and walked to the living room and listened to the answering machine and picked up. Her fathers voice filled the voice on the other line.



    “You’re late honey” she said

    “oh dad… I’m sorry I over slept.” They had a date every Sunday for brunch.

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    1. Wow once agian i have seem to be blown away and speechless by another great post…can’t wait till they’re together…Keep up the good writing and of course PMS…

    2. Wow once agian i have seem to be blown away and speechless by another great post…can’t wait till they’re together…Keep up the good writing and of course PMS…

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