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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: OMG look at that girl)

    A Few thousand kids go to USC. The kids there are different from anywhere else. They dress to impress every guy/girl they can lay their hands on. Sports are a good subject for USC. Especially their Women’s Basketball team. They girls on the team are well known around their area and a little farther. Every high school wants a chance to beat the undefeated team, but those who get the chance ALWAYS end up losing.

                The star of the Basketball team is one of the most talented girls in the school. She can play for her life. She spent a lot of her free time working on her game. At home its basketball, and school its basketball. Everywhere she goes its basketball. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a high social life. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. She’s what you call the Life of the party. All the girls want to hang with her and be with her. It doesn’t hurt the fact that she’s absolutely gorgeous, and very flirtatious. She has it all good with the ladies, no doubt. Oh I didn’t mention this before but she’s gay. She likes her women. Black, white, Spanish, brown, light brown, Port-Rican… Anything you can think of she’ll be into. Not that she’s a hoe or a player or anything but she likes to have fun and being a big star on the basketball team and being a charmer is always a plus. Her friends on the team play a big role in her life. They’re her back bone, her support team. When something is going wrong on her life she can always depend on her girls to help her through it. Her best friend’s Tristan, Jorie and Sky have been her BFF’S since grade school. She can’t go a few minutes not talking to them. They know all about her and as Bff’s they learned to trust each other with everything in their hearts. She has a sister Kyla, she’s her half sister, but they go on as full sisters, no step, no half just sisters they’re relationship is one of the best, yet sometimes it can get out of hand but they always seem to patch things up.

    And this girls name is ASHLEY… ASHLEY DAVIS.

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