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    The Remnants of a Young Girl’s Dream – (Chapter: Chapter 1: Tear-stained Promenade)

    Ashley looked at the clock on the wall. “Well, I guess they can’t stay open all night.” Spencer didn’t respond, and when Ashley looked back at her, she truly wondered if Spencer had even heard what she had said. She reached out and rubbed the blonde’s forearm. “Hey…” Spencer immediately flinched away from Ashley’s touch, but Ashley had her attention. “We’re gonna have to go with food of the vending machine variety. It’s not exactly gourmet, but…”

    “It’s fine.”

    Ashley finally successfully pinpointed the emotion in Spencer’s voice. There was none. She bought herself a soda and chips, expecting Spencer to be done when she returned. Instead, she found the blonde staring at the dirty, brown vending machine, seemingly mesmerized by the rows of junk.

    After giving the blonde several minutes more to contemplate the machine, Ashley realized she needed to intervene. “Spence, they have the donuts you love so much.” No recognition. “ Spence?” Nothing. “Spencer!” Spencer looked up, her face riddled with confusion. It pained Ashley to see Spencer in such a state, but she knew that she needed to keep her focus. “Spence, what would you like to eat?” The girl’s attention went back to the machine. “How about some donuts? Maybe like E7?”

    “Yeah, that’ll be fine.” The blonde’s shaky hands move to the clasp on her clutch. She never remembered the purse being this hard to open before. She continued to struggle, until a tan hand rested upon her own.

    “Just let me get it.”

    “No, I got it. I got it.” The clasp finally opened and Spencer found her money. Of course, she hadn’t exactly been expecting to use a vending machine on prom night. Twenty dollar bills weren’t exactly the best for her current situation. “Man!” She placed her clutch down on the counter holding the coffee accoutrements, digging frantically through the contents of the small purse.

    Ashley put a dollar into the machine and punched in the number for Spencer’s donuts. She pushed back the cover and brought out the donuts, handing them to the blonde, who was still searching her purse for smaller change.

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    1. I love this story because it doesn’t necessarily paint Ashley as the bad guy. Plus, it shows that Ashley is capable of being there for Spencer. They still really need to talk about what is going to happen to their relationship though. I wonder where Aiden is?

    2. I love this story because it doesn’t necessarily paint Ashley as the bad guy. Plus, it shows that Ashley is capable of being there for Spencer. They still really need to talk about what is going to happen to their relationship though. I wonder where Aiden is?

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