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    The Remnants of a Young Girl’s Dream – (Chapter: Chapter 3: Justification and Jeopardy)

    Kyla knew that Ashley had gone to comfort Spencer, and though she knew that her sister meant well, Kyla also knew that Spencer was probably feeling some of the same emotions that she was: hurt, betrayed, duped, confused, angry… Plus a million others that she could not even begin to fathom. These feelings were justified, and she began to wonder if a bathroom trip together was the best idea for the girls.

    As she watched fifteen minutes turn into thirty and thirty turn into an hour, she decided that she needed to go check on Spencer and Ashley. Truth be told, she loved both of them, even if one of them was a large contributor to her woe at the moment.

    She stood up, her movement waking Aiden, who sat in the seat next to her.

    “Hey,” he said groggily. “Where you heading?”

    She re-adjusted her dress. “I’m just gonna walk around a bit, maybe check and see if Spence and Ash are okay.”

    “Oh,” he looked conflicted. “Well, would you like me to come along? Keep you company?”

    Kyla politely declined his offer, while honestly wondering why he even bothered offering. She knew he didn’t want to be alone with her and he sure as hell did not want to be around Spencer. That left one person.

    As if he was reading her mind, Aiden asked, “Well, when you see Ash, can you tell her I want to talk to her?”

    Kyla desperately wanted to tell him off. Let him know she knew exactly what he really wanted to do to her sister. However desperately Kyla wanted to tell him off, she knew that this wasn’t the time or the place to do so. So, instead she plastered a fake smile on her face and forced out a cheery, “Will do.” She sped out the door before Aiden could say anything more.


    It had been nearly an hour since Ashley had pulled Spencer into her arms, hoping to ease the girl’s pain as much as she could. And an hour later, they remained in a tight embrace. The only change was that Ashley had shifted so that she was leaning against the counter, with Spencer in front of her. When Spencer finally raised her head and made eye contact with Ashley, Ashley was ready for Spencer to say just about anything. However, she was not ready for Spencer to lean in and kiss her. But that was just what Spencer did.

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    1. Aiden makes me so mad. He still is determined to come between Ashley and Spencer. Kyla should have told him off. Anyway, another great update. PMS!

    2. Aiden makes me so mad. He still is determined to come between Ashley and Spencer. Kyla should have told him off. Anyway, another great update. PMS!

    3. omg i LOVE this much emotion, confusion, hurt. I can see why spencer just wanted to forget and release. This is great pleeeease post more soon :)

    4. omg i LOVE this much emotion, confusion, hurt. I can see why spencer just wanted to forget and release. This is great pleeeease post more soon :)

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