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    The Story of Us – (Chapter: 5 (Part I): All That Shimmers in This World)


    “But…Mommy, what…what if I don’t wake up?”




    “Hey.” Aiden glared at the shivering, nearly skeletal woman standing just outside his door. Her smell was overpowering. Without thinking he brought his hand up, covering his nose and mouth. Blushing, Ashley looked down, nervously rubbing her bare, goosebump covered arms. “Where’s the coat I bought you?” As the silence lengthened, his eyes wandered, widening at the sight of a large purple-black bruise just under the hem of her stained wife beater. Her hands trembled as she pulled a crumpled pack from her skirt pocket. Taking out the last cigarette, she pushed it between her blue-tinged lips looking up at him expectantly. Sighing, Aiden reluctantly stepped back into his apartment, allowing her to enter. Together they walked into the single room, stopping in the kitchenette. The gas stove’s hiss disturbed the silence as Ashley leaned down to meet the flame. Standing upright, she sucked hard, turning the knob on the stove. Her pale hand played in the fire as it flared, dipping, swooping gracefully through flickering orange and blue. Eyes bright, she turned to him, whispering solemnly, “I’m all fire Aid…see…inside, I’m burning.”




    The dark never bothered him before, but now that she made him turn off all the lights, it was different. Everything was different. Her sounds filled the small space, sculpting images in his mind, the soft rustle of her shirt as she pulled it over her head, the sound of her belt clinking as it fell to the floor, the low grunt pushing out past her bared teeth as she pulled the thin, leather band circling her arm tighter, always tighter. His eyes closed automatically when her face suddenly appeared, hovering in the night like an apparition. He could smell it burning, hear it bubbling as it cooked. It was the noise she made that caused his chest to tighten, the soft little inhalation she couldn’t quite contain. She wants this, wants it more than anything, more then her….more then me. As the needle entered, clouded, almost black eyes, rolled back. Ashley’s mouth opened to emit one low, guttural moan. “Fuck…mmmmm…oh mmmmm…” Her spasming fingers loosely held the syringe as it danced crazily, still stuck in her arm. Aiden waited until her nodding head finally lolled to the right, the breath from her parted lips coming out low and even before gently grasping her arm, pulling it out.


    1. Man, this story just breaks my freaking heart. So happy, yet so sad at the same time. Here’s what I got from this chapter: Ashley used to go to Aiden when she was all crazy on drugs, Spencer had a boy but we still don’t know how she’s doing (the whole priest being there is not good though, right?), and Paula gave her blessing finally to Ashley because of everything Ashley did for Spencer. I just really, really, really hope Spencer is okay. It would totally suck if you killed her. That whole flashback to when Spencer was a child and she didn’t want to be left alone in the dark. That’s not foreboding, right? I beg of you DON’T KILL SPENCER! Anyway, if you can’t tell already, I LOVE this story! PMS!

    2. omg!!!! This story is so fucking good! I’m confused like a mutha fucker but, I love this story. Please, please, please keep updating. I’ve read What Happens Next, I guess I’m confused about all the flash backs and what happens when. Ashley cheated on Spencer with Aiden how many times? (that’s fucked up) Did Spencer ever find out? It seems like Ashley went home to Spencer right after she had sex with Aiden in the previous chapter. (Ewww, not safe!) Was Aiden boning Glen then? I know who Tristian and Sammie are but, I’m confused about Sara…..This chapter rocked my freakin’ socks!!! Paula and Ashley bonding over Spencer and the baby smoking a joint together made me LMAO. That was so pricless! I thought Paula was going to snap on Ash when she smelled pot. I was so afraid for Ash. And did I say I love Christina. I love the way she supports Spencer and Ashley. I LMAO when she hit Ash up side the head with the newspaper after not specking to Spencer for 4 weeks. And like Spencer, I laughed when Ash’s mom hit her on the butt. Priceless. I also love how you are bringing the girl’s mom’s together and the family. Your family dinner’s are always interesting and funny. I love Glen for giving Ashley advice before she went into the delivery room. This story is great on so many levels. I love your writing style. I just read this story from the beginging so I just catching up. PMS Please and thanks for sharing.

    3. What can I say that I haven’t already said before, you truly are an amazing writer. I enjoy the love shared and the laughter of course. You could always make me laugh and still can.

    4. Man, this story just breaks my freaking heart. So happy, yet so sad at the same time. Here’s what I got from this chapter: Ashley used to go to Aiden when she was all crazy on drugs, Spencer had a boy but we still don’t know how she’s doing (the whole priest being there is not good though, right?), and Paula gave her blessing finally to Ashley because of everything Ashley did for Spencer. I just really, really, really hope Spencer is okay. It would totally suck if you killed her. That whole flashback to when Spencer was a child and she didn’t want to be left alone in the dark. That’s not foreboding, right? I beg of you DON’T KILL SPENCER! Anyway, if you can’t tell already, I LOVE this story! PMS!

    5. omg!!!! This story is so fucking good! I’m confused like a mutha fucker but, I love this story. Please, please, please keep updating. I’ve read What Happens Next, I guess I’m confused about all the flash backs and what happens when. Ashley cheated on Spencer with Aiden how many times? (that’s fucked up) Did Spencer ever find out? It seems like Ashley went home to Spencer right after she had sex with Aiden in the previous chapter. (Ewww, not safe!) Was Aiden boning Glen then? I know who Tristian and Sammie are but, I’m confused about Sara…..This chapter rocked my freakin’ socks!!! Paula and Ashley bonding over Spencer and the baby smoking a joint together made me LMAO. That was so pricless! I thought Paula was going to snap on Ash when she smelled pot. I was so afraid for Ash. And did I say I love Christina. I love the way she supports Spencer and Ashley. I LMAO when she hit Ash up side the head with the newspaper after not specking to Spencer for 4 weeks. And like Spencer, I laughed when Ash’s mom hit her on the butt. Priceless. I also love how you are bringing the girl’s mom’s together and the family. Your family dinner’s are always interesting and funny. I love Glen for giving Ashley advice before she went into the delivery room. This story is great on so many levels. I love your writing style. I just read this story from the beginging so I just catching up. PMS Please and thanks for sharing.

    6. What can I say that I haven’t already said before, you truly are an amazing writer. I enjoy the love shared and the laughter of course. You could always make me laugh and still can.

    7. WOW!!!! I am sooo glad that you finally wrote another chapter to this story. I hope there will be more soon. Also , I love that Paula is telling Ashley all of this so that Ashley at least knows that Paula is happy that she is making her daughter happy and taking care of her. PMS and LOVED THE CHAPTER!!!!!!

    8. WOW!!!! I am sooo glad that you finally wrote another chapter to this story. I hope there will be more soon. Also , I love that Paula is telling Ashley all of this so that Ashley at least knows that Paula is happy that she is making her daughter happy and taking care of her. PMS and LOVED THE CHAPTER!!!!!!

    9. Wow i`m so excited you posted another wonderful chapter to this story. This story is one of my favortives. Wow spencer and ashely have a son that is wonderful. But how is spencer doing? Please let her be ok. And paula smoking pot with ashely that is priceless. I`m glad ashley and paula are finally coming together. Please post more soon. I need more of your story.

    10. Wow i`m so excited you posted another wonderful chapter to this story. This story is one of my favortives. Wow spencer and ashely have a son that is wonderful. But how is spencer doing? Please let her be ok. And paula smoking pot with ashely that is priceless. I`m glad ashley and paula are finally coming together. Please post more soon. I need more of your story.

    11. spencers not gonna die right? right?! that would be terrible if you did that…you know that right? RIGHT?! lol sorry. this is a great story. for sure. but ahh! DONT let spencer die. DONT let the baby die. and let it be a happy ending! lol seriously! HAPPY HAPPY!

    12. spencers not gonna die right? right?! that would be terrible if you did that…you know that right? RIGHT?! lol sorry. this is a great story. for sure. but ahh! DONT let spencer die. DONT let the baby die. and let it be a happy ending! lol seriously! HAPPY HAPPY!

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