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    The Story of Us – (Chapter: 5 (Part I): All That Shimmers in This World)




    “Ashley!” Sputtering, Ashley’s eyes popped open as she coughed, releasing a small cloud of fragrant smoke into the chilly night air. The blonde shook her head, glaring at the smaller woman in front of her. “Do you know its 3:00 AM? What on Earth are you doing out here?” Sniffing, Paula’s eyes widened, “Are you smoking marijuana in Arthur’s backyard?!” Inhaling wrong, Ashley’s attempted response came out as a series of hacking coughs. Finally able to breath, the brunette snarled, clutching at her chest, “Christ, you can’t just sneak up on people like that!” Snatching the joint away from her daughter-in-law, Paula plopped down on the hammock. “Hon, you really shouldn’t be smoking this.” Starting to reply, Ashley felt her reality shift as she watched Paula take a slow drag. Winking, the blonde finally released her own cloud as she nudged the astonished smaller woman, holding the joint out to her. “Works much better if you keep your mouth closed babe.”




    “Damn, I’m hungry.” Ashley tried to stifle her giggles, but she couldn’t. Turning to her mother-in-law she couldn’t stop her smile from growing wider at the sight of the woman’s pout. “Jesus, you look like Spence when you do that.” Blushing, Paula leaned closer, snatching the new joint from Ashley’s outstretched fingers. After laughing softly at the brunette’s indignant expression, Paula puffed, leaning back against the other woman’s small frame. Pulling her jacket off, Ashley spread the garment over them. Together, they settled into a comfortable silence, quietly watching smoke rings rising to greet the night sky. When Paula’s fingers interlaced with hers, gently squeezing, Ashley felt herself breaking, “God, I’m so fucking scared.”


    “I know, honey. I know.”




    “It’s just that there’s this little me inside her. A me. Inside her body…right now.”  The blonde’s eyebrows arched at the other woman’s tone. “Wow, the way you say that makes me think of that Aliens movie.” Ashley shook her head laughing, “God, I never imagined you could be this fucking funny.” Taking the proffered joint, she sucked hard, still giggling. Suddenly realizing she was the only one still laughing, she propped herself up her elbow, hovering over her mother-in-law. Paula’s body shook as she brought her hand up to cover her face.


    “I could be angry…but I’m not…not anymore. She’s my baby, Ash. My little girl and I want her to do this, to have this child, her child so she can feel what I feel when I look at her. It’s like I have all these little moments saved in my heart. I remember how she used to smile when we played peek-a-boo. Her eyes, my God, they were so blue…she was such a gorgeous baby, always smiling, laughing. Art jokes about how she had him from the first moment he saw her, but the truth is, she had both of us wrapped around her little fingers. Sometimes, when she was sleeping, I’d just look at her. I still can’t believe how beautiful she is, how sweet. We were so close, best friends, really…until you. I hated you for that, for taking her away, for changing her, for making her want you more then me.”


    “Hey…” Shaking her head, Paula pulled back so she could stare into Ashley’s eyes, whispering. “Let me finish, ‘cause I don’t think I can say this again. She loves you, with all her heart. She wants this with you more than anything. I’ve seen you Ash. I’ve seen the way you look at her, the way you treat her and after…after what you’ve done for my little girl, so she could have this, I can say that I want it too, for both of you…with all my heart. I could say thank you, but it wouldn’t be enough, so I’m gonna say what I should’ve said a long, long time ago.” Taking a deep breath, Paula kissed Ashley’s wet cheek, placing her hand on the smaller woman’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you for so long. I do want to thank you, for everything, but mostly I want to tell you that I’m holding you, right here, in my heart too. I’m not gonna let you go Ashley Davies, no matter what. I’m not going let you go.” 


    1. Man, this story just breaks my freaking heart. So happy, yet so sad at the same time. Here’s what I got from this chapter: Ashley used to go to Aiden when she was all crazy on drugs, Spencer had a boy but we still don’t know how she’s doing (the whole priest being there is not good though, right?), and Paula gave her blessing finally to Ashley because of everything Ashley did for Spencer. I just really, really, really hope Spencer is okay. It would totally suck if you killed her. That whole flashback to when Spencer was a child and she didn’t want to be left alone in the dark. That’s not foreboding, right? I beg of you DON’T KILL SPENCER! Anyway, if you can’t tell already, I LOVE this story! PMS!

    2. omg!!!! This story is so fucking good! I’m confused like a mutha fucker but, I love this story. Please, please, please keep updating. I’ve read What Happens Next, I guess I’m confused about all the flash backs and what happens when. Ashley cheated on Spencer with Aiden how many times? (that’s fucked up) Did Spencer ever find out? It seems like Ashley went home to Spencer right after she had sex with Aiden in the previous chapter. (Ewww, not safe!) Was Aiden boning Glen then? I know who Tristian and Sammie are but, I’m confused about Sara…..This chapter rocked my freakin’ socks!!! Paula and Ashley bonding over Spencer and the baby smoking a joint together made me LMAO. That was so pricless! I thought Paula was going to snap on Ash when she smelled pot. I was so afraid for Ash. And did I say I love Christina. I love the way she supports Spencer and Ashley. I LMAO when she hit Ash up side the head with the newspaper after not specking to Spencer for 4 weeks. And like Spencer, I laughed when Ash’s mom hit her on the butt. Priceless. I also love how you are bringing the girl’s mom’s together and the family. Your family dinner’s are always interesting and funny. I love Glen for giving Ashley advice before she went into the delivery room. This story is great on so many levels. I love your writing style. I just read this story from the beginging so I just catching up. PMS Please and thanks for sharing.

    3. What can I say that I haven’t already said before, you truly are an amazing writer. I enjoy the love shared and the laughter of course. You could always make me laugh and still can.

    4. Man, this story just breaks my freaking heart. So happy, yet so sad at the same time. Here’s what I got from this chapter: Ashley used to go to Aiden when she was all crazy on drugs, Spencer had a boy but we still don’t know how she’s doing (the whole priest being there is not good though, right?), and Paula gave her blessing finally to Ashley because of everything Ashley did for Spencer. I just really, really, really hope Spencer is okay. It would totally suck if you killed her. That whole flashback to when Spencer was a child and she didn’t want to be left alone in the dark. That’s not foreboding, right? I beg of you DON’T KILL SPENCER! Anyway, if you can’t tell already, I LOVE this story! PMS!

    5. omg!!!! This story is so fucking good! I’m confused like a mutha fucker but, I love this story. Please, please, please keep updating. I’ve read What Happens Next, I guess I’m confused about all the flash backs and what happens when. Ashley cheated on Spencer with Aiden how many times? (that’s fucked up) Did Spencer ever find out? It seems like Ashley went home to Spencer right after she had sex with Aiden in the previous chapter. (Ewww, not safe!) Was Aiden boning Glen then? I know who Tristian and Sammie are but, I’m confused about Sara…..This chapter rocked my freakin’ socks!!! Paula and Ashley bonding over Spencer and the baby smoking a joint together made me LMAO. That was so pricless! I thought Paula was going to snap on Ash when she smelled pot. I was so afraid for Ash. And did I say I love Christina. I love the way she supports Spencer and Ashley. I LMAO when she hit Ash up side the head with the newspaper after not specking to Spencer for 4 weeks. And like Spencer, I laughed when Ash’s mom hit her on the butt. Priceless. I also love how you are bringing the girl’s mom’s together and the family. Your family dinner’s are always interesting and funny. I love Glen for giving Ashley advice before she went into the delivery room. This story is great on so many levels. I love your writing style. I just read this story from the beginging so I just catching up. PMS Please and thanks for sharing.

    6. What can I say that I haven’t already said before, you truly are an amazing writer. I enjoy the love shared and the laughter of course. You could always make me laugh and still can.

    7. WOW!!!! I am sooo glad that you finally wrote another chapter to this story. I hope there will be more soon. Also , I love that Paula is telling Ashley all of this so that Ashley at least knows that Paula is happy that she is making her daughter happy and taking care of her. PMS and LOVED THE CHAPTER!!!!!!

    8. WOW!!!! I am sooo glad that you finally wrote another chapter to this story. I hope there will be more soon. Also , I love that Paula is telling Ashley all of this so that Ashley at least knows that Paula is happy that she is making her daughter happy and taking care of her. PMS and LOVED THE CHAPTER!!!!!!

    9. Wow i`m so excited you posted another wonderful chapter to this story. This story is one of my favortives. Wow spencer and ashely have a son that is wonderful. But how is spencer doing? Please let her be ok. And paula smoking pot with ashely that is priceless. I`m glad ashley and paula are finally coming together. Please post more soon. I need more of your story.

    10. Wow i`m so excited you posted another wonderful chapter to this story. This story is one of my favortives. Wow spencer and ashely have a son that is wonderful. But how is spencer doing? Please let her be ok. And paula smoking pot with ashely that is priceless. I`m glad ashley and paula are finally coming together. Please post more soon. I need more of your story.

    11. spencers not gonna die right? right?! that would be terrible if you did that…you know that right? RIGHT?! lol sorry. this is a great story. for sure. but ahh! DONT let spencer die. DONT let the baby die. and let it be a happy ending! lol seriously! HAPPY HAPPY!

    12. spencers not gonna die right? right?! that would be terrible if you did that…you know that right? RIGHT?! lol sorry. this is a great story. for sure. but ahh! DONT let spencer die. DONT let the baby die. and let it be a happy ending! lol seriously! HAPPY HAPPY!

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