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    The Summer You Dream Of


    Summer vacation is the most anticipated holiday of the year for teens all over the globe, for two reasons. One: Fun in the sun and two: complete freedom.

    Spencer Carlin was one of the lucky few that got to escape parental supervision while on holiday in one of the Hawaiian Islands; Maui.  For two whole weeks she would be spending time with her two brothers Glen Carlin and her adopted brother Clay Carlin truthfully she had no idea what she was doing here. Well she did, apparently Glen and Clay had to take her along so that they too were allowed to go.

    It was noon by the time that they reached the beach after unpacking there bags at their 4-star hotel. Glen insisted on checking out the party that their tour bus had passed on the way to the hotel. Clay wasn’t bothered so that meant that Spencer didn’t have a choice in the matter. They were going to check out the party.

    Thankfully Spencer and her brothers were already wearing their beach attire, when they got off the plane so they were set straight off the bat.

    “Wow Spencer, try not to look like its killing you to be here. Just let loose for once in your life.” Glen taunted.

    “Shut up!” Spencer huffed, she did let loose she thought. She let loose a damn lot; her self-centred brother just didn’t know it.

    When they reached the local beach they made their way through the crowd towards the front where the temporary stage was set up. The three large amps lining the back boomed as the DJ fiddled with the music tempo.

    After a couple of songs a heavily tanned man climbed up the stairs from the back of the stage. With his microphone in hand he started getting the crowd all riled up. It was obvious that party that the Carlin’s had joined was more of an event than a party.

    “Ok, ok calm it down peeps. Today Uncle Paul has brought a little treat for ya’ll.  Will you please raise the noise for the most notorious partier since Pam Anderson” The crowd went wild, clearly they were familiar with the ‘notorious partier’. “For those newbie’s out there; it is your utmost pleasure to witness the legendary goddess that is Ashley Davies!” Paul shouted into the mic. The amps rattled the stage with their volume.

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    1. if I had dreamed of my vacation turing out that way, I don’t think I’d be able to sit still for the plane ride lol. anyway I thought this was great, spence being the dominant of the two is always fun to read. great job!

    2. I read this last night and when I woke up I hoped that you changed your mind about it only being a oneshot…alas…you didn’t, sigh. Either way it’s really hot and a vacation I could so get down with. You’re a great writer, and you shouldn’t doubt the story, it left me feeling fairly desperate to get out of dodge

    3. I was so pleased to see another story from you!!! Yay!!! I missed your writing and this is amazing, as Stix said shame you won’t consider extending it…I can beg????

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